/fish on a boat

Hey i wanna make my fishing system that they could /fish on the pier and /fish only on a reefer

How can like do it that /fish will work on certian vehicle can you help me ?

bump help me please

You must firstly define the vehicle like:

Reefer1 = CreateVehicle(....);

I'll fetch it from my server and show you.

pawn Код:
new FishingReefer;

// under OnGameModeinit

FishingReefer = CreateVehicle(453, -2325.2029, 2296.6379, -0.4600, 181.3483, 1, 1, 60000*10);
FishingLabel[FishingReefer] = Create3DTextLabel( "/fish on the reefer", 0xFF0000AA, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 0, 1 );
Attach3DTextLabelToVehicle(FishingLabel[FishingReefer], FishingReefer, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0);
pawn Код:
// then get the vehicle position and if it is in the range of the reefer of 1 meter.

And what positon should i put for the command /fish on the Game mode What is the cords of it ?

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