Need Help with Server.log


Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team

[20:58:53] Server Plugins
[20:58:53] --------------
[20:58:53] Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[20:58:53] Loaded.
[20:58:53] Loading plugin: audio

*** Audio Plugin v0.5 R2 by Incognito loaded ***

[20:58:53] Loaded.
[20:58:53] Loading plugin: sscanf

[20:58:53] ===============================

[20:58:53] sscanf plugin loaded.

[20:58:53] Version: 2.8.1

[20:58:53] © 2012 Alex "******" Cole

[20:58:53] ===============================

[20:58:53] Loaded.
[20:58:53] Loaded 3 plugins.

[20:58:53] Filterscripts
[20:58:53] ---------------
[20:58:53] Loading filterscript 'ls_elevator.amx'...
[20:58:53] Loading filterscript 'buttons.amx'...
[20:58:53] Loading filterscript 'Untitled.amx'...
[20:58:53] Unable to load filterscript 'Untitled.amx'.
[20:58:53] Loaded 2 filterscripts.

[20:58:53] Script[gamemodes/KGRP.amx]: Run time error 17: "Invalid/unsupported P-code file format"
[20:58:53] Failed to load 'gamemodes/KGRP.amx' script.
[20:58:53] Number of vehicle models: 0
[20:59:13] --- Server Shutting Down.

Anyone know why?

How are you compiling the code?

Compile Button! But it sais Pawn Compiler Library stopped ............

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