Pickup does not appear

Hey guys,

i have quite a few pickups created in my gamemode and they all work
perfectly well, except for one that I'm trying to create on a remote little island,
which i mapped. The y coordinate is at about -4300, just to give you an impression
how far out it is.
This is the code that I use to create the pickup.
PHP код:
CreatePickup(1239188.9427,-4348.1958,2.5273, -1); 
As far as I know there are no errors on that line, but anyway the pickup doesn't show up.
So i thought it's not showing up because of the position. Maybe there is some kind of
limit for pickup positioning in SAMP, but I'm not sure about that.

Hopefully someone of you knows what I'm doing wrong.


Try adding diffrent pickup type! Like 22 etc. 22= Pickupable, respawns after death!

Unfortunately that doesn't change anything
PHP код:
CreatePickup(12392288.9427,-4348.1958,2.5273, -1); 
The pickup doesn't appear. However, 3D Text Labels appear.

Bump, still found no solution for the problem.

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