What object?

What object is used to cover these billboards and to SetObjectMaterialText?
Is there some super easy way to create this? If yes, what? If a billboard has the same design, both of them will be changed if you decide to edit/delete them.



# Blank planes for text signs
19475, Plane001, signsurf, 300, 2097284
19476, Plane002, signsurf, 300, 2097284
19477, Plane003, signsurf, 300, 2097284
19478, Plane004, signsurf, 300, 2097284
19479, Plane005, signsurf, 300, 2097284
19480, Plane006, signsurf, 300, 2097284
19481, Plane007, signsurf, 300, 2097284
19482, Plane008, signsurf, 300, 2097284
19483, Plane009, signsurf, 300, 2097284

Or just set the material of the billboards after you re-create them as objects.

How can I use these blanks when I can't see them? I assume I have to properly place them using a map editor?
Thanks for the list btw.

Bumping for visibility.

You have to set the text with Set(Dynamic)ObjectMaterialText.

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