Help with SetObjectMaterialText

Hello, well I am quite new to this command, never did anything with it. I got this idea that I want to make, like a grafitti system, so if a player sprays near the wall a text will appear. I already got a system like that, I just want to ask how does the SetObjectMaterialText should work. How can I chose the font and the color of the text and do i need to set the text instead of some object or??


You need to create an object and then apply the material text to it. Look at the parameters of the function and the example:

Let's say I want to replace the Grove Street Families tag object with text, is it possible to do so?

You can replace almost any object with text. Create the object as you normally would and store the ID, then use SetObjectMaterialText on that object's stored ID.

Hmm, for some reason it wont work for me IG, maybe you could help me out with this one.

		if(GangInfo[playerid][Gang] == 1)
         for(new stags = Tag; stags < MAX_TAGS; stags++)
	       		if (Tag >= MAX_TAGS-1) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You can no longer spray tags because there are too many tags.");
	    		new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z,Float:A,name[24];
				GetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z);
				GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, A);
				X += (1 * floatsin(-A, degrees));
				Y += (1 * floatcos(-A, degrees));
				TagInfo[stags][tgX] = X;
    			TagInfo[stags][tgY] = Y;
    			TagInfo[stags][tgZ] = Z;
				Sprayed[playerid] = 1;
				Tag += 1;
    			Spray[stags] = CreateObject(ROLLIN_TAG, X, Y, Z, 0.0, 0.0, A+90);
                SetObjectMaterialText(ROLLIN_TAG, "SA-MP {FFFFFF}0.3{008500}e {FF8200}RC7", 0, OBJECT_MATERIAL_SIZE_256x128,\
				"Arial", 28, 0, 0xFFFF8200, 0xFF000000, OBJECT_MATERIAL_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER);
    			strmid(TagInfo[stags][tgSprayer], name, 0, strlen(name),128);
    			printf("[TAG] %s - %d",TagInfo[stags][tgSprayer],stags);
It just sprays the original spray tag IG.

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