21.07.2008, 23:01
Here is my script, it makes a box cover screen until the timer goes off again. Even thoe i tell it TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, red); it still won't make the red box go away...
public timer() { new Text:red; red = TextDrawCreate(0,0," red"); TextDrawFont(red,1); TextDrawLetterSize(red,1000,1000); TextDrawBoxColor(red,COLOR_RED); TextDrawUseBox(red,1); for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(blind[i] == 0) { TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, red); blind[i] = 1; SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "blind = 1"); } else { TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, red); blind[i] = 0; SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "blind = 0"); } } return 1; }