PAWN compiler wont compile my gamemode

Hello samp members

everytime i try to compile my gamemode it keeps saying (Not Responding) for a very long time then when i click it stops working i cant find out why it wont just compile or anything i would put the script code below but i dont want the script being leaked. the script ant even that long am gonna lose my work.

your pc could be total crap, and it just takes very long time.
~100k lines could take minutes to compile, obviously you're using a leaked script so just wait.

Originally Posted by CmZxC
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your pc could be total crap, and it just takes very long time.
~100k lines could take minutes to compile, obviously you're using a leaked script so just wait.
1st of all i ant using no leaked script i made this.
2nd my computer is powerful i just dont play samp on it

if you ant going to help then dont post

EDIT: are you that thick in the head READ WHAT I HAVE PUT THE GM is only fucking 8K long and you post shit saying i am using a leak script how the fuck would you know what i use and what i dont get out.

Anyway, just wait for it to respond. It should work eventually.

Originally Posted by OpticKiller
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1st of all i ant using no leaked script i made this.
2nd my computer is powerful i just dont play samp on it

if you ant going to help then dont post

EDIT: are you that thick in the head READ WHAT I HAVE PUT THE GM is only fucking 8K long and you post shit saying i am using a leak script how the fuck would you know what i use and what i dont get out.
Why don't you backtrack through the gamemode, and make sure there's correctly placed closing braces make sure no random typo's causing it

that was a fucking idea, pawn just takes some time to compile at some points.
if you're looking for help then you don't fucking yell at everyone trying to give you advice.

Originally Posted by CmZxC
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that was a fucking idea, pawn just takes some time to compile at some points.
if you're looking for help then you don't fucking yell at everyone trying to give you advice.
No longer than 7 seconds for me. That's only because of YSI library. If your compiler is hanging, i'd look through your coding.

When you saying i am using a leak script it pisses me off when ppl say that when i seriously DO NOT! Just do a simple thing for me get out before i hit the roof.
Originally Posted by CmZxC
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that was a fucking idea, pawn just takes some time to compile at some points.
if you're looking for help then you don't fucking yell at everyone trying to give you advice.
i leaved it on for 10mins just wont respond also when i add something else on it says this Cannot create file "C:\Users\Brandon\Desktop\IGRP\Gamemodes\IGRP.pwn" .The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

its not even using anything only the pwn.

EDIT: Issue Fixed

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