Command processor

Hello, I saw this on a server I use to play on and want to know if this is a good command processor...

// USRP command processor
#define USRP:%1(%2) \
		forward u_%1(%2); \
		public u_%1(%2)

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	new s = strlen(cmdtext);
	if(!s || s == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "Please enter a valid command to use, this command is invalid.");
	new f[32], c[128], e = strfind(cmdtext, " ", true), p = e;
	if(e == -1) { p = s; c = "\1"; }
 	else {
		while(cmdtext[e] == ' ') { e++; }
		strmid(c, cmdtext, e, s, 128);
	if(e == s) { c = "\1"; }
        strmid(f, cmdtext, 1, p, 32);
	for(new x = 0; x < p; x++) { f[x] = tolower(f[x]); }
	format(f, sizeof(f), "u_%s", f);
	if(!CallLocalFunction(f, "is", playerid, c)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "The command you entered is invalid, or missing a parameter");
	return 1;

It must be slower than other processors because there are loops,string arrays,etc and when you use this script in multiple scripts you will have a bug that tells not a valid command even its valid.So leave that to the programmer.

And we don't need a cmd processor I guess.We have ZCMD which is fastest.You can win only if you get your code to be faster than other command processors.

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