Survival Island Roleplay

Hey guys me and my friends are thinking of opening a unique survival RP server. Tell me what you think, and yes it's in a island, below are some features it will have!

What will it have (features):

Unique Toy System (Almost every toy will be avaliable)

Unique Surviving System (Two HUD Bars for hunger and thirstyness)

Backpack Sytem (So players can store their items, guns, ammo, etc. it will save after you log out.)

Vehicle System

House System (Still thinking about it.... I need your opinions guys, so please tell me if we should add it)

Bank System (Still thinking about it)

V.I.P System (Cool features like skin changing etc.)

Unique "Clique" System (Families will be named "Cliques" since it means "a group of people" to make it more realistic to a surviving server)

Unique Island Mapping

Animation System

And many more!

The cool thing about it is that in the dock, there will be a ship that ship makes cars by a person who no one knows and he (the unknown person) will sell vehicles for a high amount (since the economy in the server is really low). Or either players craft their vehicle (available vehicles: old, cheap vehicles and the Quad and Sanchez.) and they'll need to gather everything up and craft it you decide, tell me on a comment.

Players will also be able to craft Walkie-Talkies and many more items!


Sounds quite unique, it might catch on.

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