Editing a pre-written function/stock

Hey, guys. I've been using a pre-written function for checking RP Names, problem is it seems to work fine up until you use an RP name such as


And it still lets it pass as it has an underscore. I've tried multiple ways to try count the characters AFTER the _ but I can't seem to figure it out without causing it to completely work in a different way. The function i'm using is this

pawn Код:
stock NameValidator(name[])
    new underline=0;

    if(strfind(name,"[",true) != (-1)) return 0;
    else if(strfind(name,"]",true) != (-1)) return 0;
    else if(strfind(name,"$",true) != (-1)) return 0;
    else if(strfind(name,"(",true) != (-1)) return 0;
    else if(strfind(name,")",true) != (-1)) return 0;
    else if(strfind(name,"=",true) != (-1)) return 0;
    else if(strfind(name,"@",true) != (-1)) return 0;
    else if(strfind(name,"1",true) != (-1)) return 0;
    else if(strfind(name,"2",true) != (-1)) return 0;
    else if(strfind(name,"3",true) != (-1)) return 0;
    else if(strfind(name,"4",true) != (-1)) return 0;
    else if(strfind(name,"5",true) != (-1)) return 0;
    else if(strfind(name,"6",true) != (-1)) return 0;
    else if(strfind(name,"7",true) != (-1)) return 0;
    else if(strfind(name,"8",true) != (-1)) return 0;
    else if(strfind(name,"9",true) != (-1)) return 0;
    new maxname = strlen(name);
    for(new i=0; i<maxname; i++)
       if(name[i] == '_') underline ++;
    if(underline != 1) return 0;
    name[0] = toupper(name[0]);
    for(new x=1; x<maxname; x++)
        if(name[x] == '_') name[x+1] = toupper(name[x+1]);
        else if(name[x] != '_' && name[x-1] != '_') name[x] = tolower(name[x]);

    return 1;
I've tried counting the string but I have no idea how to go about checking for the underscore... other than trying

pawn Код:
if(underline == 1)
    //do something here which I just can't seem to crack
Any ideas how to check for an underscore? Then make sure after it there is a minimum of 3 characters?

Why not use:
pawn Код:
if(strfind(name, "_", true) != -1) return 0;

you could store the "strfound" position of the "_", and subtract it from strlen(name).
if the result>2 (or 3? didnt consider the string end \0, oops) then he last name is long enough?

Originally Posted by zDivine
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Why not use:
pawn Код:
if(strfind(name, "_", true) != -1) return 0;
Surely that is only checking to see if there is an underscore?

I've tried using strfind but I have no idea how to use the strlen function for checking AFTER the underscore.

Couldn't work this one out either.

Edit: I found the solution a while ago, I just forgot to re-post, but I managed to fix this working off of this suggestion
Originally Posted by Babul
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you could store the "strfound" position of the "_", and subtract it from strlen(name).
if the result>2 (or 3? didnt consider the string end \0, oops) then he last name is long enough?

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