
Hi I have 2 CheckPoints in streamer:
test = CreateDynamicCP(1667.59998, 1011.40002,10.1, 6.0,0,0,-1,100.0);
test1 = CreateDynamicCP(1655.59998, 1001.40002,10.1, 6.0,0,0,-1,100.0);
1 problem. I see only one of these CP but when i go to the position of 2 CP the first CP Hides and the second CP shows.

2 problem:
public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid)
if(commission[playerid]== 1 && test1){
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_ANIMACJE,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"List", "HIIII !", "Ok", "");

if(commission[playerid]== 1 && test){
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_ANIMACJE,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"List", "TEST!", "Ok", "");
return 1;
And what is the problem in this code? So when I enter the CP "test" i see the gui with text "TEST!", but when I enter the CP "test1" i see the gui with the same text.

Please Help

What if you change OnPlayerEnterCheckPoint(playerid) to OnPlayerEnterDynamicCheckpoint(playerid, checkpointid)?

you do need to use OnPlayerEnterDynamicCheckpoint, and to answer your first problem, there can only be one checkpoint visible to the client at a time

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