[Map] Prickle Pine Airport

Prickle Pine Airport
PPA is located in North Las Venturas. The airport is rated for civilian aircraft like the dodo, shamal, beagle, and others. The airport features a runway, two heli-pads, plenty on non-cluttered taxi space, and parking for personal vehicles and aircraft.

Three more photos of the airport can be found here.
I hope you really enjoy the airport!


Not feeling this one....
+rep for effort i guess.

Kind of a silly place for a airport, I wonder what the property value is of those houses let alone the safety violation!

Uhhhhm i am sure he copied the idea from Pilots Life...... they have prickle pine airport like this.....

The problem is that in the PL you can't have the map, at least now we can, but i will see a bit more in this airport, check details, etc.

Errr, if you haven't noticed, I'm one of the moderators from Pilots' Life, derp.
Plus, this is not the current Prickle Pine on PL.

A image from a lower level would help but overall good job. I have done a few airports before and I know it can be a pain in the ass.

Good job Crystal +Rep

empty, it is.

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