16.04.2013, 21:14
Hey guys. Firstly, Thanks for looking at the thread. Secondly: The issue I'm having is when I try to load player cars. I'm getting an error that says "error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "CarInfo")". I honestly have no idea whats causing this, as the first line works, but any subsequent line reaching for the enum says it out of bounds.
Heres the problem code
Here's the enum for the cars.
Thanks for any help.
Heres the problem code
for(new i = 0; i < rows; i++) // run the for loop for how ever many cars are returned, should be less then or equal to 5. { //"SELECT cID, cModel, cCol1, cCol2, cPlate, cInsured, cHealth, cPosX, cPosY, cPosZ, cPosR, cPanelDamage, cDoorDamage, cLightDamage, cTireDamage, cMileage, cFuel, cFuelType, cEngineToggleable, cDoors FROM `cinfo` WHERE cOwner = '%s'", playerName); lolcar = CreateVehicle(400, 0, 0, -5, 0, 0, 0, 60000); cache_get_row(i, 0, temp); CarInfo[lolcar][cId] = strval(temp); //This one works PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarsOwned] = rows; cache_get_row(i, 1, temp); CarInfo[lolcar][cModel] = strval(temp);//So does this one... cache_get_row(i, 2, temp); CarInfo[lolcar][cCol1] = strval(temp); //none of these works, past those two. cache_get_row(i, 3, temp); CarInfo[lolcar][cCol2] = strval(temp); cache_get_row(i, 7, temp); CarInfo[lolcar][cPosX] = floatstr(temp); cache_get_row(i, 8, temp); CarInfo[lolcar][cPosY] = floatstr(temp); cache_get_row(i, 9, temp); CarInfo[lolcar][cPosZ] = floatstr(temp); cache_get_row(i, 10, temp); CarInfo[lolcar][cPosR] = floatstr(temp); DestroyVehicle(lolcar); lolcar = CreateVehicle(CarInfo[lolcar][cModel], CarInfo[lolcar][cPosX], CarInfo[lolcar][cPosY], CarInfo[lolcar][cPosZ], CarInfo[lolcar][cPosR], CarInfo[lolcar][cCol1], CarInfo[lolcar][cCol2], 60000); GetPlayerName(playerid, CarInfo[lolcar][cOwner], MAX_PLAYER_NAME); cache_get_row(i, 4, CarInfo[lolcar][cPlate]); SetVehicleNumberPlate(lolcar, CarInfo[lolcar][cPlate]); //Get the plate, and stick it onto the car cache_get_row(i, 5, temp); CarInfo[lolcar][cInsured] = strval(temp); //Is the car insured??? cache_get_row(i, 6, temp); CarInfo[lolcar][cHealth] = floatstr(temp); SetVehicleHealth(lolcar, CarInfo[lolcar][cHealth]);//Get the health of the car, then set it. cache_get_row(i, 11, temp); CarInfo[lolcar][cPanelDamage] = strval(temp); //Panel damage of the vehicle. cache_get_row(i, 12, temp); CarInfo[lolcar][cDoorDamage] = strval(temp); // Get the door damage cache_get_row(i, 13, temp); CarInfo[lolcar][cLightDamage] = strval(temp); //Get the light damage cache_get_row(i, 14, temp); CarInfo[lolcar][cTireDamage] = strval(temp); // Get the tire damage cache_get_row(i, 15, temp); CarInfo[lolcar][cMileage] = strval(temp); //Get the Mileage of the car. cache_get_row(i, 16, temp); CarInfo[lolcar][cFuel] = strval(temp);//How much gas is in the car? cache_get_row(i, 17, temp); CarInfo[lolcar][cFuelType] = strval(temp);//How much diesel is in the car?? cache_get_row(i, 18, temp); CarInfo[lolcar][cEngineToggleable] = strval(temp); cache_get_row(i, 19, temp); CarInfo[lolcar][cLocked] = strval(temp); new string[128]; format(string, sizeof(string), "Car is locked = %i, %s", CarInfo[lolcar][cLocked], temp); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, string); CarInfo[lolcar][cEngineToggleable] = 1; // Car can be turned on...-at this point- PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarsSpawned][i] = lolcar; //Add this car to their list of spawned cars! UpdateVehicleDamageStatus(lolcar, CarInfo[lolcar][cPanelDamage], CarInfo[lolcar][cDoorDamage], CarInfo[lolcar][cLightDamage], CarInfo[lolcar][cTireDamage]); // Set the damage SetVehicleParamsEx(lolcar, 0, 0, 0, CarInfo[lolcar][cLocked], 0, 0, 0); }
enum cInfo //Car Enumator { cId, cModel, cCol1, cCol2, cOwner[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], cFaction, // if cFaction == 1, it's in a faction...see car owner for faction of car. cPlate, cInsured, cPanelDamage, cDoorDamage, cLightDamage, cTireDamage, cLocked, Float:cHealth, Float:cPosX, Float:cPosY, Float:cPosZ, Float:cPosR, cEngine, cAlarm, cLights, cDoors, cBonnet, cBoot, cObjective, cWeed, cCocaine, cHeroin, cMDMA, cWeapons, cAmmo, cFuel, cFuelType, cMileage, cFuelTimer, cFuelTDTimer, cDriver, cTick, cEngineToggleable, cWindows = 0, cRadio, } new CarInfo[MAX_VEHICLES][cInfo];