
Hello, could someone explain me how would strcmp perform on 100 or 200 player base and how would zcmd do that..
i would love to see some numbers...
Is it really necessary to transfer strcmp to zcmd?

Well i think ZCMD is fast command processor then strcmp ...

Yes it is necessary.
ZCMD is faster than strcmp.

But YCMD i think is more faster.

Basically, if you have 200 strcmp commands and the command you want to perform is a the bottom of the list, then the script will need to go through all 199 commands above it to see that it's not the command that was requested. ZCMD and YCMD call the function directly.

Originally Posted by Vince
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Basically, if you have 200 strcmp commands and the command you want to perform is a the bottom of the list, then the script will need to go through all 199 commands above it to see that it's not the command that was requested. ZCMD and YCMD call the function directly.
Just what i needed to hear. Thanks.

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