GameMode Scripting help needed


Ok, I am using the 'Land of Paradise' game mode, but I am trying to sort a few problems out, that I need help with

1. When people have wanted stars > 0 <=5, the name changes to yellow, but >5 is changed to orange, i have searched ****** and what not, but unsure how to apply to this game mode, as it seems a little weird..

2. change players name color, white for the majority, blue for cops, etc etc, I have changed a lot of the colors in the mode, thinking it was for that, but never changes =(

If anyone could help, would be great

Also, I have a lock system on cars, so people cant hijack cars, but how can I make it so if the player inside a locked car is wanted (orange) cops can "hijack it" and remove them?

I managed to complete #2 myself, but #1 is still getting to me >.<

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