30.03.2013, 23:12
Im gonna smash my computer, on my script the players run like they have 6 dildos up their ass! Please help I have no clue were to put UsePlayerPedAnims(); after public OnGameModeInit(). Where would i put it to get cj's running style when my script looks like this.
public OnGameModeInit() // Do not add vehicles Above the next lines. - CuervO { ShowPlayerMarkers(2); LoadCar(); new string2[64]; for(new h = 1; h < sizeof(CarInfo); h++) { format(string2, sizeof(string2), "LARP/Vehicles/%d.ini",h); if(dini_Exists(string2)) { ownedcar[h] = AddStaticVehicleEx(CarInfo[h][cModel],CarInfo[h][cLocationx],CarInfo[h][cLocationy],CarInfo[h][cLocationz]+1.0,CarInfo[h][cAngle],CarInfo[h][cColorOne],CarInfo[h][cColorTwo],60000); if(CarInfo[h][cPaintjob] != 999) { ChangeVehiclePaintjob(h, CarInfo[h][cPaintjob]); } SetVehicleVirtualWorld(h, CarInfo[h][cVirWorld]); SetVehicleModifications(h); } } if(!dini_Exists("LARP/Users/Aliases/alias.txt")) dini_Create("LARP/Users/Aliases/alias.txt"); if(!dini_Exists("LARP/Users/Aliases/ips.txt")) dini_Create("LARP/Users/Aliases/ips.txt"); SendIP = 0; cDebug = 0; nextapartment = 24; nexthouse = 2; nextmedium = 17; nextbig = 1; nextshop = 1; Predators = 0; Rhinos = 0; Hunters = 0; Hydras = 0; admins = 0; MinutesTD = 0; SecondsTD = 0; HoursTD = 0; voteyes = 0; voteno = 0; votation = 0; votetype = 0; votationrecently = 0; beingvoted = 255; ServerRestarted = 0; new string[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; new string1[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; new PropertyString[256]; for(new i = 1; i < MAX_REPORTS; i++) Reports[i] = "<none>"; for(new c=0;c<MAX_VEHICLES;c++) { Gas[c] = GasMax; } SetTimer("PeterAC", 1000, true); SetTimer("SendMSG", 450000, true); SetTimer("ChangeWeather",1200000, true); SetTimer("PaySprayTrans",1000,true); SetTimer("GpsCheck",1250,true); new hour,minute,second; gettime(hour,minute,second); HoursTD = hour; MinutesTD = minute; SecondsTD = second; SetTimer("ClockSeconds",1000,true); LoadMotd(); LoadEvents(); ChangeWeather();