Command does nothing?

pawn Код:
CMD:exit(playerid, params[])
    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3.0,-17.8986,1493.3297,994.3759))
        SetPlayerPos(playerid, -282.8178,-2175.1794,28.7377);
        SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xC4C4C4FFF,"test");
    return 1;
NOTHING happens, what did I mess up? I'm tired atm and I'm sure it's something simple.

0xC4C4C4FFF lol new color? try -1
try debugging more

exit is not a reserved keyword ? why is it highlighted in blue then

You need to loop through all players, or you could make a normal checkpoint.

Originally Posted by reckst4r
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You need to loop through all players, or you could make a normal checkpoint.
No. just no..

Why would I need to loop through all the players?
btw, changing the command from "exit" to something else fixed the program, but since when can you not use exit as a command?

Originally Posted by Eminem 2ka9
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Who cares, it's fixed now shut up.
That's quite uncalled for. If you don't want to help fix a problem, don't post!

@OP: I don't believe you'll ever need to use the "exit" function (more information can be found here). Therefore, you can add this after including all of the includes you need.

pawn Код:
#undef exit
Then you should be able to make "exit" the command you need.

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