19.03.2013, 17:15
Последний раз редактировалось BGTrucker; 20.03.2013 в 09:07.
I run a trucking server using PPC trucking script.I used a textdraw creator filterscript to create a new mission textdraw,then just edited the values of the original mission textdraw with the new values I got from the created one.When I get a load(the load point is highlighted in the textdraw) the textdraw shows correctly,but when I load my truck(the unload point is highlighted) some strange unknown symbol shows at the end of the whole text in the textdraw.Also if the load is wanted by mafia(MT) or overloaded(OL) the "(MT)" and "(OL)" symbols don't show at all.Here are screens of the textdraw when the load point is highlighted and the unload point is highlighted.

EDIT:I tried with other font,and there is no problem with it,even when the text is too long it shows on 2 lines which actually was my idea.Could this specific font be bugged?But even then,why the problem occurs only when the unload point gets highlighted.
EDIT2:with another font when I /q it gives me error report.But that happens only the first time when I login to server after I launch the server.

EDIT:I tried with other font,and there is no problem with it,even when the text is too long it shows on 2 lines which actually was my idea.Could this specific font be bugged?But even then,why the problem occurs only when the unload point gets highlighted.
EDIT2:with another font when I /q it gives me error report.But that happens only the first time when I login to server after I launch the server.