
Can you guy tell me a way how I can script a Car house? or is there any tutorial? Didnt find anything

I want to create a Place where you can buy cars, the car will be saved for the player ..

You want to make a system like, we go at a vehicules shop and you go at a checkpoint and we bougth a cars,bikes..? Correct me if I am wrong.

Yes I want to do at a place a Pickup.. There you can buy then Cars, first you can view some cars, if you select the car u want, the car spawns, and gets saved for the user, also the pos if he'll park

First only cars

Is this possible? But with Dini pls!

If I understand :
  • I go to the car shop, then I'll have a checkpoint I go to the checkpoint when I will select the cars I want to bougth I'll have a preview of this cars?

well, I have a better idea:

Create some vehicles... the player can select one and get in the vehicle but cant drive it... a dialog shows up and if he does /buycar i.e the car spawns at some point and he can use it... and the car should be saved for him

there are numerous systems like this already. I have one that does kinda what you want.

It's a bit more advanced but it's essentially what your looking for.

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