
Is IRC still available for sa-mp? If so, what is the address to it?

I believe it's irc.foco.co #sa-mp

I meant for players to create an IRC for their own servers. Is there an official IRC server that sa-mp has set up for servers owners to set up their own, along with a port.

Oh! Well no, there isn't. However, the one I gave you, irc.foco.co, allows users to register their own channels, IIRC. I believe you can use the standard port 6667.

There's also irc.gtanet.com, however, they limit the allowable bots (same ip) to like 3 or somethin...idr the exact number

focos limit was like 5?

Can I get the port and address. Also, what are the commands to register your own server on irc basily what are all the commands for IRC?

How would I also set myself admin in an IRC server?

You would need to go into a empty channel on a IRC server, register it. and it should automatically make you a Admin (Or a Owner as its called) in that channel.

Used to run these things. so send me a PM if you need assistance.

Open up IRC. Use mIRC or mibbit.


Foco-gaming Channel

Then: Coose an unregistered nick.

Type: /ns register [pass] [email]

Then: /ns identify pass

Then: /j #channel

Then: /cs register [channel] [password] [description]

I recommend foco's channel because you can use #operhelp and #help, and there are beta testers there, willing to offer support.

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