Need Some Help

Hello,I need some help with the coordinates for the object ID 968 this is the barrier for the gate at LSPD,I want to know which numbers i have to use,I mean after converting it with this site I have to put in all the CreateObject numbers? I mean all these?
This is just a example I didn't used them:
I want to know how many number i have to put in after each ",".Or show me a example on this movable gate script:

#include <a_samp>
new TestGate1;

public OnGameModeInit()
    TestGate1 = CreateObject(968,2462.5000000,-1662.1999512,13.0000000,0.0000000,270.0000000,270.0000000);    //Gate Object Closed  
    return 1;


public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
    if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/open", true) == 0) {
    MoveObject(TestGate1, 2462.5000000,-1662.1999512,13.0000000,252.0000000,0.0000000,90.0000000, 1);
    return 1;

    if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/close", true) == 0) {
    MoveObject(TestGate1, 2462.5000000,-1662.1999512,13.0000000,352.0000000,270.0000000,90.0000000, 1);
    return 1;

    return 0;
Also it would be really helpful if someone can show me a example on this script how do I SendClientMessage with a red color or any other color.


No you don't have to use all those numbers. placing out a object would only require that you have 1 number between each "," but if you want the gate to be exactly as it was when you mapped it you should use all the numbers provided in the converter, it doesn't slow down your script or anything.

And for the SendClientMessage part... Just define the colour on the top of your script like this:
#define COLOR_RED 0xff0000FF
and wherever you want to use SendClientMessage you type
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED,"Bla bla bla");
Next time, use the forum search bar..

Thx dude the SendClientMessage worked also the gate too,I would +rep you but I am not able to do that as I don't have enough posts..

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