Filterscript into Gamemode

can i place filterscript into a gamemode.
i want to make a rp gamemode and i found a filterscript that has a speedometer.
but i don't want to use filterscripts i just want to replace the speedometer in the gamemode with that filterscript.
is that possible and if it's possible
how then?

Of course it is possible, because both are written in pwn. If you have .pwn of the filterscript it shouldn't be hard to spot the similarities

Yes, very easy, Just open up the .pwn file of the speedometer with pawno.exe and copy and paste the script.
Example, i open up my Filterscript and it has this:

TextDrawsShown[playerid] = false;
VHSCreated[playerid] = false;
LightRedHealthCreated[playerid] = false;
LightYellowSpeedCreated[playerid] = false;

And the Function is this:

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)

i Would go into my Gamemode file and Find the function:

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)

and paste the code:

TextDrawsShown[playerid] = false;
VHSCreated[playerid] = false;
LightRedHealthCreated[playerid] = false;
LightYellowSpeedCreated[playerid] = false;

Do this for all the script, make sure the script is under its right function
Hope this helped its a bit confusing :P

sorry for the late reply
thank you very much now i know how to do it Thanks

Greet xX4m4zingXx

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