Players crashing.


A few days ago I launched my new server, but it isn't running that well.
Alot players have many crashes, according to the logs, there are already 1.430 crashes in 5 days with a average of 18 players, I think this is way to much.
And players are saying they are not using any mods.
So far I know those crashes are complete randomly.
My server is running 2 games atm, a zombie game, and a carsumo game.
The most players crash inside the carsumo game.
I sorted out a few things that may cause those crashes, can someone confirm at what points this can be true.
- Players get set inside spectate mode alot (when game is loading a new round).
- Also in carsumo a players vehicle get destroyed when he dies, and there will get a new one created at spawn.
So they get often setted outside a vehicle and inside a vehicle.
- A game got many maps, those maps get destroyed at the end of the game and another map get created at the start of the game, the amount of objects are normaly around the 50-100 objects.

Can this be the reason of the crashes?

And if someone know a list or something with things that make players crash, please give me a link to it.

Greetz, Roel..

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