Help guys about ****** Chrome

I need help.

I'm downloading a game installer SF DFI. I need to wait 4 hours to finish the installer download.
It's 8:02pm so it means the installer will finished download in 12:00am.
But, i can't keep my computer on. My mom will force it to turn it off. Due to big electricity charges bill.

So guys. I was about to close the ****** Chrome but it said if i exit the ****** Chrome.
The download will be cancelled. How to close ****** Chrome without affecting the downloading?

I really need help i'm downloading my favorite game.

This is impossible. Downloads can't run when your computer is off. Only thing you can do is disable the power button on your computer so it does nothing when she presses it.

He meant that the download would pause so it could resume when he turns his PC back on. You can infact pause a download but I don't know if you can resume it if you restart the browser and or your computer. Anyhow, go to chrome://downloads in your search bar, you can click on pause there. No guarentees.

You can pause Your download and after when you trun your pc on you can resume him

To pause,resume download, Download INTERNET DOWNLOAD MANAGER Software and you can Pause and Resume your download


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