OnPlayerDisconnect vehicle despawn

Hey guys,

I am using the AVS filterscript for vehicles on a small server I am creating.
I am wondering how (if possible) to code a way so that a player's vehicles destroy once they log off and respawn when they log on.



A suggestion could be to set a variable when you spawn a vehicle, saving it to an INI file when you diconnect, and then load the information from the INI file when you spawn again.

I suggest to use DINI or Y_INI to save it in a INI file. Set the variable when vehicle is spawned

Well; is there a way of getting a certain line of the .ini file? For example, I could get it to save the player's name in the .ini file but how would I get the script to read it when the player joins?

Save the name into the ini file when you create on using "GetPlayerName" :P
You can check if the file exists with if(fexist(Filepath/name)) , and then load the information from the file if it exists. That is usually done on "OnPlayerConnect" ^^

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