Streaming Audio

Greetings, I'm having a little problem with streaming audio to my server. I have an Icecast2 / ezstream or ices set up. With fallback mount. Everything works as it should only just one little thing. Whenever stream is switching song, SAMP crashes, you can hear some horrible jittering / static noise before that. Everything works fine until there is new song coming up. If you manage to enter a command that starts the stream again before SAMP crashes everything will work fine again until next time.

I also tested to connect as DJ, with Winamp and Edcast plugin, when playlist is played to server through Winamp then its all fine. No crash at switching songs.

I've also noticed that you can listen that radio through web, http://mydomain:8000/radio , when song switches, the web player stops also, you have to manually click play again... until next song.

Anyone has a clue how to fix or what may cause this issue ?

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