Fix color embedding for asian languages

This problem since 0.3c .......

the color embedding is not accurately when use with asian languages.


หมาจิ้งจอก{FF0000}สีแดง{00FF00}กระโดดข้ามหลัง เต่า




We had that back then when those codes were introduced in dialogs where \n were the problem (it got fixed by Kalcor then) but maybe here the problem is that when symbols are unknown to a computer it outputs (not always) 2 other symbols instead and maybe that leads into colors being at the wrong position

If you know what I mean ...

It was fixed in 0.3c since it is introduced, for Traditional Chinese (and most languages I think) but maybe not Thai. IIRC it happens on SendClientMessage(ToAll), not only in dialogs.
This should be related to the character coding system I think, because it uses 16-bit characters with different definition as other codes.

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