help with a command

as you may know from my other thread , im not a scripter im still learning.

i want to make a command to sell a item ( custom ) or weapon.

something like /sellitem 1 12 deagle and player need to type /accept
where 1 is player id , 12 is the ammount , and deagle is.. yes the gun !
i know how to sell it.... but make the player accept it

i saw that code from nmader

but i dont understand it as there no real explaination.
im not a copypast noob so it is totaly useless for me.

and this one is for predefined thing.
for weapon its allright but what if i have a bag system with custom item ?

i bet i can deal with custom item if i understand the code. but i think its easier for you to go with weapon.

i dont want to use a pre defined command like /selldeagle ! if i wanted to use it i would not need help.

i saw somewhere in a code the sell and accept command was all in one , i mean the system to get the reply was IN the sell command with a return.

sorry if you don't understand me. its hard to explain as i have no idea how it work.

oh wait ! i have the perfect exemple !

lets say im a cop and benthenoob is another player. he type /call 911 and i have to accept it and benthenoob get a message saying i accepted it

you get what i mean ?

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