Is it possible?!

Hello, i have role play server, and i made something in MTA, you can see in the pics,
the one road way is blocked :] and i dont know why ... that lets move to the question,

in game the ranps dont move up-down, can someone tell me is it possible when player in range go to the ramp for about 5 seconds the ramp goes up and player is continueing,
i made this is pay toll
and if you can tell me what should i do if its possible or even if someone wants to help i will give him the CreateObject coords and he make a FS or something for me

Tnx in advance

1 pic

2 pic

I don't believe this is possible, not with the current capabilities of SAMP

ok, btw i have gate system on my server, So gates open when player is in range,
but i dont know how to make my own doors to open close automaticly, but i have guide how to do it, so if i learn how to make auto gates, do you think in place of gates will the ramps work?! like that open-close?
i need just coords from opened ramp and closed ramp..

it just now comes to my mind this gate system what do you think?

You could make the entire object lift up, or drop into the ground, rather than the barrier arc upwards (as it isnt animated). Might look a little strange though.

p.s. I highly recommend using jernejls SA-MP editor over what you are using currently. There is no need to convert, it's massively feature-rich in comparison and far more efficient for high detail/accurate mapping. Plus of course it supports all of the SA-MP features, such as object removal.

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