Server Freeze


I want to ask, I've got a problem on my server where my server freeze!
So, this happen randomly.
When this happen:
1. The connected player can't type any command (won't be responded by the server)
2. Even the connected player gets disconnected, her/his name will still shown in player list (on the samp client)
3. All players which want to connect will only get the "connected" message (only that), and their name won't be shown on player list on the samp client (on the console, it is only shown the 'incoming connection from bla bla bla' message)
4. The server plugin (audio) will stop the TCP server (this is written to the console by the audio plugin)
5. I have got a timers, and the timer seems to be freezing/not running/not executed.
6. Not like usual, when I press the 'X' close button, OnGameModeExit will not be called (and only a dialog like the picture below will be shown), usually it's called!

The dialog above will be shown when I click the 'X' close button, and the server will close if I press 'End Now', without OnGameModeExit called!

INFO about the server:
1. Windows XP
2. Has 3 Connected NPCs

Got errors in your GM, or warnings? what version of your SAMP-Server do you use? What does you .cfg says?

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