[HOST]Linux Property [BUY] Logo's doesnt SHOWN IN HOST HELP?????????

Are you sure you recompiled with the latest include?

Location: London, United Kingdom

Yes i did i also checked like 10 times

And the server.log still says the same?

Originally Posted by Forever Alone
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And the server.log still says the same?
yes it does

Yeah i use both

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3e-R2, ©2005-2012 SA-MP Team

[23:00:26] Server Plugins
[23:00:26] --------------
[23:00:26]  Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[23:00:26]   Loaded.
[23:00:26]  Loading plugin: sscanf

[23:00:26]  ===============================

[23:00:26]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[23:00:26]    © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[23:00:26]    0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[23:00:26]  ===============================

[23:00:26]   Loaded.
[23:00:26]  Loading plugin: audio.dll

*** Audio Plugin v0.5 R2 by Incognito loaded ***

[23:00:26]   Loaded.
[23:00:26]  Loading plugin: Whirlpool
[23:00:26]  ==================
[23:00:26]   Whirlpool loaded
[23:00:26]  ==================
[23:00:26]   Loaded.
[23:00:26]  Loading plugin: nativechecker
[23:00:26]   Loaded.
[23:00:26]  Loading plugin: mysql

  > MySQL plugin R6-2 successfully loaded.

[23:00:26]   Loaded.
[23:00:26]  Loaded 6 plugins.

[23:00:26] Filterscripts
[23:00:26] ---------------
[23:00:26]   Loading filterscript 'Life-Guard_v3.5.amx'...
[23:00:26] *               Life-Guard Has Been Loaded!              *
[23:00:26] *                    AntiCheat v 3.5                     *
[23:00:26] *                   Powered By Kazon!                    *
[23:00:26] *--------------------------------------------------------*

[23:00:26]   Loading filterscript 'Bunny.amx'...
[23:00:26]   Loaded 2 filterscripts.

[23:00:26] OnGameModeInit
[23:00:26] Бизнесов Загруженно: 15
[23:00:26] Ciftlik yuklendi: 1
[23:00:26] Ганг зон загруженно: 119
[23:00:26] Домов загруженно: 668
[23:00:26] Заправок загруженно: 10
[23:00:26] Мастерских загруженно: 3
[23:00:26] Creater: Gurkan_Sanli
[23:00:26] Number of vehicle models: 64
[23:01:02] Incoming connection:
[23:01:02] [join] Gurkan_Sanli has joined the server (0:
[23:01:49] [part] Gurkan_Sanli has left the server (0:1)
This is from my local ip not host just testing whats the problem

When i put .dll ended on plugins they are working on local ip but in host i cant put .dll then it doesnt work its really complicated


echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password nffff
maxplayers 500
port 5555
hostname [TM]TuRK GuCu | TuRKiSH | RolePlay
gamemode0 Sunrise
filterscripts Life-Guard_v3.5 Bunny
announce 1
query 1
weburl samptm.tk
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 3
logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]
plugins streamer sscanf audio Whirlpool nativechecker mysql
mapname TURKIYE

Originally Posted by [HLF]Southclaw
Посмотреть сообщение
Did you even read my post?

Let me write that again...

Either use Mido Stream or Incognito's Streamer Plugin, not both
Yeah i did read it but how can i remove one of them the mido 1 is inside the gm and incognito's one is plugins? which one should i remove?

i remove the streamer from the plugins and it says

[23:32:42] Script[gamemodes/Sunrise.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[23:32:42] Number of vehicle models: 0

Your choice big man!

How can i remove the mido stream because Incognito's one is better

Guys i don't want to get [BANNED] from this site please just need help for this am really stuck on this am wasting money for it i got vps for 10 year paid Ј5 thousand

LoL i know some stuff am learning but the thing is now i have to remove the #include <mido streamer> from the [GM] and i have to is it working am i correct do i have to put <streamer> when remove the mido from gm?

Yeah i remove the #include <midostreamer> and it worked didn't get any error but still houses logo doesn't show

Yeah i mean the pick up you know front of the doors green logo's to but property that one i use streamer still not showing no one can help am just closing this conversation because this is some next level thing so thanks for help guys.

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