[Help] How to add a Anticheat Exception

I wanna add exception for Casinos. The AC system dont recognizes the money you earn in it, as if it were 'out of play', cuz is a RPG server that transactions must be between players.

if(AntiMoneyHack == 1)
				if(PlayerGotSpottedRecently[i] == 0)
						if(GetPlayerMoney(i) != ScriptMoney[i])
						    if(ScriptMoneyUpdated[i] == 0)
							    if(IsAtPaySpray(i) || IsAtTransfender(i))
							        SetRealMoney(i, GetPlayerMoney(i));
								if((GetPlayerMoney(i) - ScriptMoney[i]) >= 500 && (GetPlayerMoney(i) - ScriptMoney[i]) != 0)
								    if(admins == 0 || afkadmins == admins)
			  							format(string, sizeof(string), "%s (%d), Has been kicked by Anticheat for Possible Money Hacking.", plname, i);
										SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_NICERED, string);
										format(string, sizeof(string), "You have Been Kicked by The Anticheat For Possible Weapon Money Hacking ($%d)",(GetPlayerMoney(i) - ScriptMoney[i]));
										SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string);
										format(string,sizeof(string), "(%d/%d/%d)[%d:%d:%d] Anticheat Has Kicked %s for: Money Hacking ($%d)",d,m,y,h,mi,s,plname,(GetPlayerMoney(i) - ScriptMoney[i]));
										format(string,sizeof(string), "(%d/%d/%d)[%d:%d:%d] Kicked by the Anticheat - Money Hacking.",d,m,y,h,mi,s,plname);
										AddPunishment(i, string);
								    format(string, sizeof(string), "[AC]: %s (%d) Is possibly Using Money Hacks; Use /spec and check him!", plname, i);
									SendAdminMessage(COLOR_YELLOW, string);
									PlayerSuspicious[i] = 1;
									PlayerMoneyHacking[i] = 1;
									PlayerSuspiciousMoney[i] = (GetPlayerMoney(i) - ScriptMoney[i]);
									PlayerGotSpottedRecently[i] = 1;
									SetTimerEx("ResetAcWarn", 300000, 0, "i", i);
								    if((GetPlayerMoney(i) - ScriptMoney[i]) >= 1)
									    format(string, sizeof(string), "[AC]: %s (%d) Is Bugged on a Cash Inbalance, Check him inmediately!!", plname, i);
										SendAdminMessage(COLOR_YELLOW, string);
										PlayerSuspicious[i] = 1;
										PlayerOnCashInbalance[i] = 1;
										PlayerSuspiciousMoney[i] = (GetPlayerMoney(i) - ScriptMoney[i]);
										PlayerGotSpottedRecently[i] = 1;
										SetTimerEx("ResetAcWarn", 90000, 0, "i", i);

why create 2 threads?you have got your answer and cessil has closed your old thread..you are only spamming the forum

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