28.11.2012, 20:50
hi guys i have left Gta and on a new game but i know some of you guys are thw best scripters arund and knew if any one could help it would be you guys. i have a jail script. here the issue in the game i can arrest and send ppl to jail but due the respawn command under the esc buttion players just respawn and walk free . also in the game you can have a stun gun muck like the gta and it works fine.( what i want to do is when someone is sent to jail he is stunded for like 3 mins real time ) ill try to pose the scripts here .
this is jail
[CODE][if (side player == WEST) exitwith {};
while {alive player} do
if ((player distance (getmarkerpos "cell")) <= 10) then
injail = true;
injail = false;
Sleep 0.5;
waitUntil {alive player};
if (alive player) then
if (injail) then
Sleep 30;
player setPos (getMarkerPos "cell");
[] execVM "D_Functions\jail.sqf";/CODE]
here is the stun and the stun gun scripts
this is jail
[CODE][if (side player == WEST) exitwith {};
while {alive player} do
if ((player distance (getmarkerpos "cell")) <= 10) then
injail = true;
injail = false;
Sleep 0.5;
waitUntil {alive player};
if (alive player) then
if (injail) then
Sleep 30;
player setPos (getMarkerPos "cell");
[] execVM "D_Functions\jail.sqf";/CODE]
here is the stun and the stun gun scripts
_source = _this select 0; _ammo = _this select 4; _lease = 2; if (_ammo in stun_bullet_array) then { _bullet = nearestObject [_source, _ammo]; while {!isNull _bullet} do { BPos = getPos _bullet; Vel = velocity _bullet; Direc = getDir _bullet; deleteVehicle _bullet; Sleep 0.01; }; stun_bullet = _ammo createVehicle (BPos); stun_bullet setDir (Direc); while {!isNull stun_bullet} do { TPos = getPos stun_bullet; targets_array = nearestObjects [TPos, ["Man"], 1.5]; target = targets_array select 0; TDam = getDammage target; deleteVehicle stun_bullet; Sleep 0.01; }; if (target animationPhase "AdthPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_3" >= 0.1) exitWith {}; if ((_source distance(getPos target)) <= 45) then { stunned = [_source, target]; publicVariable "stunned"; player groupChat format ["You stunned %1", target]; target switchMove "AdthPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_3"; target setDammage 0; }; };
_target = _this select 0; t_array = []; t_array = [_target]; if (player == _target) then { disableUserInput true; }; Sleep 10; _tg = t_array select 0; if (player == _tg) then { disableUserInput false; player groupChat "You recovered. Use the 'Actions' >> 'Normal' menu to stand up."; };
//Written By: DaChevs //October 19, 2009 //Special Thanks to Peanut from OFPEC.com private["_stunPlayer"]; _stunPlayer = { private ["_unit","_stunTime"]; _unit = _this select 0; _stunTime = _this select 1; if (local _unit) then { disableUserInput true; sleep _stunTime; disableUserInput false; }; }; taserEffects = { private["_target","_source","_stunAnims","_stunAnim","_stunTime"]; _source=_this select 0; _target=_this select 1; _stunAnims = [ "AdthPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_A1", "AdthPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_A2", "AdthPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_A3", "AdthPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_A4", "AdthPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_A5" ]; _stunAnim = _stunAnims select (ceil(random(count _stunAnims - 1))); _stunTime = 10; _target switchMove _stunAnim; if (local _target) then { player groupChat "You were stunned"; [_target,_stunTime] spawn _stunPlayer; }; if (local _source) then { player groupChat format ["You stunned %1!",_target]; }; sleep _stunTime; _target switchMove "Normal"; }; trackTaser = { private["_source","_ammo","_bullet","_target"]; _source=_this select 0; _ammo=_this select 4; if (not(_ammo in stun_bullet_array)) exitWith {}; _bullet = nearestObject [_source,_ammo]; _target = cursorTarget; deleteVehicle _bullet; if (_source distance _target > 25) exitwith {}; [_source,_target] spawn taserEffects; taserData=[_source,_target]; publicVariable "taserData"; };