15.10.2012, 15:03
Last edited by BlueFire_; 17/10/2012 at 01:51 PM.
e_steam v1
Build (1) - First Release
-By BlueFire_

Download This e_steam for usage and have fun. Give a PM. to me, If you got any Problem, Bugs, or anyother.
Give Reputation, Have some suggestions, Reply comments. Please
Hello guys, i am not a newbie Build (1) - First Release
-By BlueFire_


Download This e_steam for usage and have fun. Give a PM. to me, If you got any Problem, Bugs, or anyother.
Give Reputation, Have some suggestions, Reply comments. Please


These are the natives which you can use and further they are been explained, that how to use them.pawn Code:
native CreateStaticIcon(Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,markertype,color);
native CreateStaticObject(model,Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,Float:rx,Float:ry,Float:rz);
native CreateStaticCheckpoint(Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,Float:size);
native DestroyStaticCheckpoint(checkpointid);
native EnableCheckpointForPlayer(playerid,checkpointid);
native DisableCheckpointForPlayer(playerid,checkpointid);
native EnableCheckpointForAll(checkpointid);
native DisableCheckpointForAll(checkpointid);
native RotateObject(objectid,Float:rotX,Float:rotY,Float:rotZ,points,Float:speed);
native SetObjectRotationSpeed(objectid,Float:speed);
native StopRotatingObject(objectid);
native GenerateBucle(objectid,Float:offX,Float:offY,Float:offZ,Float:speed)
native StopBucle(objectid);
native OnObjectRotated(objectid);
native OnObjectStopRotate(objectid);
native OnObjectStopBucle(objectid);
native ReSpawn(playerid);
native SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, Float:x ,Float:y,Float:z,Float:a,interior = 0,vw = 0);
native CreateVehicleForPlayer(playerid, vehiclename[], color1, color2, Float:Health);
native DeletePlayerVehicle(playerid);
native RemoveBuilding(modelid, Float:oX, Float:oY, Float:oZ, Float:oRadius = 0.25, Float:orX = 0.0, Float:orY = 0.0, Float:orZ = 0.0);
native RestoreBuilding(slotid);
native RemoveSpecificBuilding(modelid);
native CountRemovedObjects();
-Note: You must add this Code in : OnGameModeInit() or OnFilterScriptInit() to toggle e_streamer:pawn Code:
native ToggleSteamer()//Compulsory to use
All the map icon part are really cool, You can create a icon for game using codings in script for better gameplay or furthur usage. This is not fully made but now you can create a Icon in-game by the following code, i.e.pawn Code:
native CreateStaticIcon(Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,markertype,color);
All the Object part is quiet large and got little help from Gantzyo & Remove part from funky1234 in the rotation and movement stuff. You can rotate, Create, Remove, Rotate, Move, Destroy, Bucles, and much more. We have made this more easy for the user to elaborate the usage of a object streamer easily and kindly. Have a look at all the Object stock or natives for furthus usage:pawn Code:
native CreateStaticObject(model,Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,Float:rx,Float:ry,Float:rz);
//Using the help from Gantzyo
native RotateObject(objectid,Float:rotX,Float:rotY,Float:rotZ,points,Float:speed);
native SetObjectRotationSpeed(objectid,Float:speed);
native StopRotatingObject(objectid);
native GenerateBucle(objectid,Float:offX,Float:offY,Float:offZ,Float:speed)
native StopBucle(objectid);
native OnObjectRotated(objectid);
native OnObjectStopRotate(objectid);
native OnObjectStopBucle(objectid);
/Using the help from funky1234
native RemoveBuilding(modelid, Float:oX, Float:oY, Float:oZ, Float:oRadius = 0.25, Float:orX = 0.0, Float:orY = 0.0, Float:orZ = 0.0);
native RestoreBuilding(slotid);
native RemoveSpecificBuilding(modelid);
native CountRemovedObjects();

Here are the example Filterscripts: http://pawnoscripting.pastebin.com/bYef05Vb
All the checkpoints functions are been included here, You can create checkpoints, destory them, enable or disable them by the following natives and stock functions. Here are the natives listed:pawn Code:
native CreateStaticCheckpoint(Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,Float:size);
native DestroyStaticCheckpoint(checkpointid);
native EnableCheckpointForPlayer(playerid,checkpointid);
native DisableCheckpointForPlayer(playerid,checkpointid);
native EnableCheckpointForAll(checkpointid);
native DisableCheckpointForAll(checkpointid);
All the other functions i have added are quiet useful and can be used for easy and fast configuration for your scripts to load and use player data easily. Here are the codes listed below:pawn Code:
native ReSpawn(playerid);
native SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, Float:x ,Float:y,Float:z,Float:a,interior = 0,vw = 0);
native CreateVehicleForPlayer(playerid, vehiclename[], color1, color2, Float:Health);
native DeletePlayerVehicle(playerid);
13-October-2012 - Created the include
15-October-2012 - Released the script or include on sa-mp forums
13-October-2012 - Created the include
15-October-2012 - Released the script or include on sa-mp forums
- BlueFire_
- Gantzyo
- funky1234
- BlueFire_
- Gantzyo
- funky1234