Checkpoints on mapped islands

Hello guys i want know one thing and maybe solve my Checkpoint problem.

My problem is when i create a checkpoint on a mapped island appears it always under the map, but i know there is a way that they will be on the mapped area. I know about the "Bug" but i saw on several server that there checkpoints on mapped islands too.

So how can i create them that they always appear on the mapped objects?

SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:size);

If you don't know which coordinate / Float which is the height, the height is given with the "Float:z" coordinate. Then higher the coordinate is, then higher will the checkpoint be.

Good luck!

I tried already the z float, but the problem is, that checkpoints ignore the z coordinate, that means they appear everytime on the regular ground and not on the mapped one.

Known Bug: Checkpoints created on created objects (CreateObject) will appear down on the 'real' ground, but will still function correctly. There is no fix available for this issue.
This is from the samp wiki. So anyone else have a idea how i can fix my issue?

Well, SA:MP Wiki is telling you that "There is no fix available for this issue.".

Nuf' said.

Ohh yeah and why have than some Servers there Checkpoints on mapped objects? Before you answer read the topic better.

Well, because they mapped their objects on the same height as the 'real' ground.

Nuf' said.

Originally Posted by CrazyManiac
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Well, because they mapped their objects on the same height as the 'real' ground.

Nuf' said.
No they didn't, go on LWD or CT and say me where there are the objects on the same height like the 'real' ground.

Well stop that shit now, i know that there have to be a way, otherwise wouldn't i ask.

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