06.10.2012, 21:27
Everything works but the "name" function doesen't, it doesen't even give me a message.
pawn Код:
COMMAND:editorg(playerid, params[]){
new X, option[32];
if(P_DATA[playerid][Admin] < 3) return S(playerid, RED, NOADMIN);
if(sscanf(params, "is[32]", X, option)){
S(playerid, GREY, "SYNTAX: /orgedit [ORGANIZATION-SLOT] [OPTION]");
S(playerid, FADE1, "[OPTIONS]: name");
return 1;}
if(X < 1 || X > 15) return S(playerid, GREY, "SERVER: Organizations are between 1 and 15.");
if(!strcmp(option, "name", true)){
if(sscanf(params, "is[32]s[32]", X, option, params)) return S(playerid, GREY, "SYNTAX: /orgedit [ORGANIZATION-SLOT] name [DESIRED-NAME]");
format(O_DATA[X][OrgName], 128, "%s", params);
//format(string, sizeof(string), "[ADMIN NOTICE]: %s has changed the name of Organization-slot %d to %s.", GN(playerid), X, O_DATA[X][OrgName]);
//SAM(1, YELLOW, string);
S(playerid, GREY, "done.");}
return 1;