Changing enume data with a command

Hi all, i have a little problem. Im trying to create a plugin so that "pUrzednik" types in "/dajkartemoto" ((means give licence)) and gives the ID number he is near the licence. For him to have the licence he has to have "pKartaMotorowerowa" set to 1 as from registration it sets it to 0 as default. I done this somehow then i got too happy and started playing with it and it all f' up ! Thats the bit of my code:


CMD:dajkartemoto(playerid, params[])
new targetid;
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pUrzednik] ==0 ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFF,"Nie masz do tego uprawnien");
if(sscanf(params,"u", targetid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFF,"/dajkartemoto [ID]");
if(!IsPlayerConnected(targetid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFF,"Nie ma tego gracza online!!");
PlayerInfo[playerid][pKartaMotorowerowa] = 1; // to jest zle sobie daje prawko!
return 1;

And now when i type in /dajkartemoto ID it says "Nie ma tego gracza online" someone please help and i looked at tutorials and stuff but cant find anything simular ;/ also looked at wiki

Could anyone help? Don't even need to fix this if you find it easier to write it ur self would like to get it done with as i need to finish this part of the game mode before moving on

Post in non English forums please because i cannot understand you, your English is harsh sorry

What part of my english do you not understand? I'll explain it to you as simple as you want it to be..

pawn Код:
PlayerInfo[playerid][pKartaMotorowerowa] = 1;
zamień na [targetid], ktуry używasz ze sscanf'a. Myśl co robisz i następnym razem użyj albo translatora albo idź do Polskiego forum, bo ciężko jest Ciebie zrozumieć po Angielsku.

@Red_Dragon, i told him to go to the Polish language forum. It's pretty hard to read his English. Maybe he used Whirlpool hash? o.o

I changed this "PlayerInfo[playerid][pKartaMotorowerowa] = 1;" to "PlayerInfo[targetid][pKartaMotorowerowa] = 1;" and i still get "Nie masz do tego uprawnien" Any other ideas?

Btw sorry about the topic, i just wrote it really quick that's why it came out unreadable.. :/
Should of taken more time with writing it out

@Riddick94 masz moze jakis inny pomysl co jest zle?

Okay but he must give more information

Pretty much i want to create a person who gives out licence by typing /dajkartemoto. That means by typing /dajkartemoto ID this person will change the ID's enum "pKartaMotorowerowa 0" to "pKartaMotorowerowa 1".

That's what i want this bit of code to do, if you can't fix my code id be more then happy if you made your own one and i could learn from it.

@Riddick94 Jak nie wiesz jak moj kod naprawic moze napiszesz swoj taki podstawowy a ja sie cos naucze z niego?

And what is the problem with that ?


And now when i type in /dajkartemoto ID it says "Nie ma tego gracza online" someone please help and i looked at tutorials and stuff but cant find anything simular ;/ also looked at wiki

Earlier you told that the message was: "Nie ma tego gracza". Now you have "Nie masz do tego uprawnien" message. So.. your "pUrzednik" var must be set to 0 if you can't use. Change your variable to 1 then.

@Red_Dragon, he got a problem with giving a player Driving Licence. There was a mistake with [playerid]. Now he have a message "Nie masz do tego uprawnień" so he got another error message. As we see.. the error is obvious.

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