In-game death discussion

Many scripters were thinking about in-game character's death role, especially at RP gamemodes. There are few ways of increasing it's role, like money loss (medical bills etc) etc. But actually it's not that important for players, especially when they are getting robbed carrying a big money amount or when they are chased by police. They choose death because it's rather lossless than getting robbed/arrested etc. I started this thread to share our ideas about increasing in-game character's death role. Okay, i'll start first:

1) Money loss (medical bills).
2) Experience loss (for gamemodes with weapons skills systems and other).
3) Injury system (decreasing maximum health amount for some time after death, decreasing other parameters)
4) Account removing (having some "lives" amount for a character, super hardcore stuff IMAO )

I like point 1,2,3 but yea 4 is to hard haha.
Maybe when he die he get teleported to the hell where he have to hang around for one hour, he can meet with other death people there. haha
(Just edit the weather to red color , and changes his virtualworld lol.)

On most of the servers I play at there is medical bills when you die, you lose 30 minutes of your characters memory, when you come out the hospital you only have 50 HP, and losing stuff ohhh noo that's like CK I hate CK lol.

Originally Posted by Roel
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Maybe when he die he get teleported to the hell where he have to hang around for one hour, he can meet with other death people there. haha
(Just edit the weather to red color , and changes his virtualworld lol.)
Yeah nice idea, i was thinking about something like this. At last they loose their time, which is quite annoying

EDIT: dead player might be teleported to another virtual world with some foggy/stormy weather (at desert/forest), and he will need to find a teleport/portal (randomly created pickup). So its like you need to get out of that world back to reality, staying AFK will not help

Some puzzle to get back to the real world would be the best idea.

Yea I agree, and Linuxthefish your avatars scares me lol.

Originally Posted by linuxthefish
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Some puzzle to get back to the real world would be the best idea.
Hah yea, never seen it before at other servers. Does anyone got some more ideas?

Well, I have a idea about the character death, but I don't think it will make any different for the players thought about dieing ,
When he died I will create a object at the ground, and the death player cannot turn back to this area which I will define with a radius , for like one hour, this will prevent the player from revege killing ect...

Originally Posted by Roel
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Well, I have a idea about the character death, but I don't think it will make any different for the players thought about dieing ,
When he died I will create a object at the ground, and the death player cannot turn back to this area which I will define with a radius , for like one hour, this will prevent the player from revege killing ect...
I think this isn't a good way, people can use other areas for RK, DM and stuff. The goal is to make players worry about their character health and life, otherwise people are free to avoid robbery, arrest, trolling around and stuff. Also it will make the gameplay more intersting and realistic.

Yea I see, you also can just make things like robbery and raping, less worse then dieing,

I think each death must permanently decrease some parameter, like max health, so it will leave a trace on a character.

If it's TDM or DM then death is part of the game and scores surely? -1 usually, not sure why you'd try to penalise it further.
If it's RP why are your players dying anyway? In RP death should be rare, (as it is in life, relatively speaking,) so surely dead = dead. Game over/Retry?

If you allow your players to choose "death" instead of losing something they can easily afford, the problem is in the server rules not the script.

Also you don't die until your character is really killed and unplayable. The "dying" you're talking about is more like getting taken to hospital in critical condition.

Originally Posted by Si|ent
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If it's TDM or DM then death is part of the game and scores surely? -1 usually, not sure why you'd try to penalise it further.
If it's RP why are your players dying anyway? In RP death should be rare, (as it is in life, relatively speaking,) so surely dead = dead. Game over/Retry?
DM/TDM part is pretty clear, -1 frag. But im looking for an idea, which will make players (at RP gamemodes) choose robbery/arrest instead of death, thats the goal.

There should be a period after death in which dying again would result in a major penalty. That'll be good to prevent revenge killing as it's pretty much gambling.

As for the initial death, I think loss of money, time, and experience is plentiful enough.

EDIT: maybe lose a large chunk of money / a percentage of experience.

Originally Posted by Joe Staff
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There should be a period after death in which dying again would result in a major penalty. That'll be good to prevent revenge killing as it's pretty much gambling.

As for the initial death, I think loss of money, time, and experience is plentiful enough.

EDIT: maybe lose a large chunk of money / a percentage of experience.
Yeah it's like you loose memory, so you loose your last experience too. But for now i only made about 8 skills (weapons/repairs/medicine etc), which are getting raised by instant using of those abilities. I don't have a global EXP parameter for now, need to think about it... But i can decrease each skill for like 1% per death, or something like this.

EDIT: ok, so the following thing might be used:
1) Dead body will stay on it's place for like 5 minutes, respawn at nearest hospital after (medics might revive it at the current place, maybe).
2) Each skill/perk decreased for 1% per death.

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