Sometimes weapons do not save properly

Is GetPlayerWeaponData delayed or something? Every other variable saves, it's just weapons that don't, and it's not even every time, it's only sometimes.

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason )
    if( plLoggedIn [ playerid ] == true )
            INI:    saveFile = INI_Open( FindPlayerFile( playerid ) ),
            Float:  plPos [ 4 ],
                    plWeapons [ 13 ] [ 2 ],
                    wepStr [ 32 ],
                    ammoStr [ 32 ];
        GetPlayerPos( playerid, plPos [ 0 ], plPos [ 1 ], plPos [ 2 ] );
        GetPlayerFacingAngle( playerid, plPos [ 3 ] );
        INI_SetTag( saveFile,           "data" );
        INI_WriteInt( saveFile,         "Access",           plStats [ playerid ] [ Access ] );
        INI_WriteInt( saveFile,         "Skin",             plStats [ playerid ] [ Skin ] );
        INI_WriteInt( saveFile,         "Interior",         GetPlayerInterior( playerid ) );
        INI_WriteInt( saveFile,         "VirtualWorld",     GetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid ) );
        INI_WriteInt( saveFile,         "CellPhoneNumber",  plStats [ playerid ] [ CellPhoneNumber ] );
        INI_WriteInt( saveFile,         "CellPhoneBattery", plStats [ playerid ] [ CellPhoneBatteryLife ] );
        // Inventory System
        INI_WriteInt( saveFile,         "BadgeNumber",      plStats [ playerid ] [ BadgeNumber ] );
        INI_WriteInt( saveFile,         "CBRadio",          plStats [ playerid ] [ CBRadio ] );
        INI_WriteInt( saveFile,         "LottoTicket",      plStats [ playerid ] [ LottoTicket ] );
        // Faction System
        INI_WriteInt( saveFile,         "FactionID",        plStats [ playerid ] [ FactionID ] );
        INI_WriteInt( saveFile,         "FactionRank",      plStats [ playerid ] [ FactionRank ] );
        INI_WriteInt( saveFile,         "Money",            plStats [ playerid ] [ Money ] );
        INI_WriteString( saveFile,      "IntroSong",        plStats [ playerid ] [ IntroSong ] );
        INI_WriteFloat( saveFile,       "Position_X",       plPos [ 0 ] );
        INI_WriteFloat( saveFile,       "Position_Y",       plPos [ 1 ] );
        INI_WriteFloat( saveFile,       "Position_Z",       plPos [ 2 ] );
        INI_WriteFloat( saveFile,       "Position_A",       plPos [ 3 ] );
        for( new w; w < 12; w ++ )
            GetPlayerWeaponData( playerid, w, plWeapons [ w ] [ 0 ], plWeapons [ w ] [ 1 ] );
            format( wepStr, sizeof wepStr, "Weapon_%d", w );
            INI_WriteInt( saveFile,     wepStr,             plWeapons [ w ] [ 0 ] );
            format( ammoStr, sizeof ammoStr, "Ammo_%d", w );
            INI_WriteInt( saveFile,     ammoStr,            plWeapons [ w ] [ 1 ] );

        INI_Close( saveFile );
        plLoggedIn [ playerid ] = false;
    return true;

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