15.09.2012, 04:58
Guyz i have this File script but every one can use it.
its a car bomb system i want that only faction 13 can use it can u make this change for me plz
here is script file plz when u make change in it so post in this form
Download: http://www.solidfiles.com/d/e3a154ca2a/
its a car bomb system i want that only faction 13 can use it can u make this change for me plz

// CONFIGURATION // #define FILTERSCRIPT #define CB_COLOR_GREY 0xAFAFAF00 #define CB_COLOR_WHITE 0xFFFFFFAA #define CB_COLOR_FADE1 0xE6E6E6E6 #define CB_COLOR_FADE3 0xAAAAAAAA #define CB_COLOR_GREEN 0x33AA33AA #define CB_COLOR_RED 0xAA3333AA #define CB_COLOR_LIGHTRED 0xFF6347AA #define BOMB_ARMTIME 15 // Amount of seconds it takes to arm a bomb #define BOMB_CHECKTIME 10 // Amount of seconds it takes to check for bombs in a vehicle #define BOMB_DISARMTIME 5 // Amount of seconds it takes to attempt to disarm a bomb #define BOMB_USE_DISTANCE 3.0 // FLOAT, how far away the player has to be from the vehicle to use any bombs stock PlayerHasCarBomb(playerid) { // Write your code to check if the player has a bomb #pragma unused playerid // Don't forget to remove this line return 1; } stock CanPlayerDisarmBomb(playerid) { // Write your code to check if the player can disarm a bomb (Like if he is a police or something) #pragma unused playerid // Don't forget to remove this line return 1; } public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger) { #pragma unused playerid, ispassenger CarBomb_OnVehicleStart(vehicleid); // Move this some place else if you have a different technique of starting vehicles } // // CONFIGURATION END #include <a_samp> #include <zcmd> #include <strtok> main() {} stock Float:GetVehicleSpeed(vehicleid) { new Float: speed_x, Float: speed_y, Float: speed_z, Float: temp_speed; GetVehicleVelocity(vehicleid, speed_x, speed_y, speed_z); temp_speed = floatsqroot( ( (speed_x * speed_x ) + ( speed_y * speed_y ) ) + ( speed_z * speed_z ) ) * 136.666667; return temp_speed; } // Bomb types #define VEHICLE_BOMB_TYPE_UNARMED 0 #define VEHICLE_BOMB_TYPE_IGNITION 1 #define VEHICLE_BOMB_TYPE_TIMER 2 #define VEHICLE_BOMB_TYPE_SPEED 3 #define VEHICLE_BOMB_TYPE_REMOTE 4 // Timers forward PlayerPutBombInVehicle(seconds, playerid, vehicleid, bomb_type, bomb_timer); forward BombActivated(vehicleid); forward ArmSpeedBomb(vehicleid); forward CheckForBombs(playerid, vehicleid); forward DisarmBomb(playerid, vehicleid); enum e_Bomb_Vehicles { bv_i_ArmedType, bv_i_ExplosionTimer, bv_i_BombOwner, bool: bv_b_BombActivated, bool: bv_b_BombDisarmed }; new g_Bomb_Vehicles[MAX_VEHICLES][e_Bomb_Vehicles]; stock ResetBombInfo(vehicleid) { g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_i_ArmedType] = 0; g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_i_ExplosionTimer] = 0; g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_i_BombOwner] = 0; g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_b_BombActivated] = false; g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_b_BombDisarmed] = false; } public DisarmBomb(playerid, vehicleid) { DeletePVar(playerid, "DisarmingBomb"); new Float: f_vPos[3]; GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, f_vPos[0], f_vPos[1], f_vPos[2]); if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, BOMB_USE_DISTANCE, f_vPos[0], f_vPos[1], f_vPos[2])) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "You are not close enough to the vehicle anymore."); return 1; } ResetBombInfo(vehicleid); g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_b_BombDisarmed] = true; SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREEN, "You have disarmed the bomb."); return 1; } public CheckForBombs(playerid, vehicleid) { DeletePVar(playerid, "CheckingForBombs"); SetPVarInt(playerid, "CheckedCarForBombs", vehicleid); new Float: f_vPos[3]; GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, f_vPos[0], f_vPos[1], f_vPos[2]); if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, BOMB_USE_DISTANCE, f_vPos[0], f_vPos[1], f_vPos[2])) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "You are not close enough to the vehicle anymore."); return 1; } if(g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_i_ArmedType]) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_RED, "You have found an armed bomb inside the vehicle!"); if(g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_b_BombActivated]) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_LIGHTRED, "WARNING! THE BOMB IS ACTIVE AND ABOUT TO BLOW!"); } SetPVarInt(playerid, "FoundBombInCar", vehicleid); } else if(g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_b_BombDisarmed]) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREEN, "You have found a disarmed bomb."); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREEN, "You didn't find any bombs."); } return 1; } stock CarBomb_OnVehicleStart(vehicleid) { if(g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_i_ArmedType] != VEHICLE_BOMB_TYPE_UNARMED && g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_b_BombActivated] == false) { switch(g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_i_ArmedType]) { case VEHICLE_BOMB_TYPE_IGNITION: { BombActivated(vehicleid); return 1; } case VEHICLE_BOMB_TYPE_SPEED: { SetTimerEx("ArmSpeedBomb", g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_i_ExplosionTimer] * 1000, false, "d", vehicleid); return 1; } } } return 1; } public ArmSpeedBomb(vehicleid) { if(GetVehicleSpeed(vehicleid) < 40.0) { g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_i_ExplosionTimer] = 2; BombActivated(vehicleid); return 1; } SetTimerEx("ArmSpeedBomb", 400, 0, "d", vehicleid); return 1; } public BombActivated(vehicleid) { if(g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_b_BombDisarmed]) { return 1; } if(!g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_i_ExplosionTimer]) { ExplodeVehicleBomb(vehicleid); g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_i_ExplosionTimer]--; SetTimerEx("BombActivated", 400, 0, "d", vehicleid); return 1; } new Float: f_Pos[3]; GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, f_Pos[0], f_Pos[1], f_Pos[2]); if(g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_i_ExplosionTimer] < 0) { CreateExplosion(f_Pos[0], f_Pos[1], f_Pos[2], 4, 2.0); // Extra effects CreateExplosion(f_Pos[0], f_Pos[1], f_Pos[2], 5, 2.0); // Extra effects if(g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_i_ExplosionTimer] == -2) { CreateExplosion(f_Pos[0], f_Pos[1], f_Pos[2], 1, 2.0); // Small explosion } if(g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_i_ExplosionTimer] < -3) { return 1; } g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_i_ExplosionTimer]--; SetTimerEx("BombActivated", 400, 0, "d", vehicleid); return 1; } g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_b_BombActivated] = true; if(g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_i_ExplosionTimer] == 1) { PlayVehicleBombSound(vehicleid, 17803); // Clicking sound } if(g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_i_ExplosionTimer] == 2) { PlayVehicleBombSound(vehicleid, 6400); // Digital sound } g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_i_ExplosionTimer]--; SetTimerEx("BombActivated", 1000, 0, "d", vehicleid); return 1; } public PlayerPutBombInVehicle(seconds, playerid, vehicleid, bomb_type, bomb_timer) { if(!seconds) { TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1); new Float: f_Pos[3]; GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, f_Pos[0], f_Pos[1], f_Pos[2]); if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, BOMB_USE_DISTANCE, f_Pos[0], f_Pos[1], f_Pos[2])) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "ERROR: You are not close enough to this vehicle anymore."); return 1; } g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_i_ArmedType] = bomb_type; g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_i_ExplosionTimer] = bomb_timer; g_Bomb_Vehicles[vehicleid][bv_i_BombOwner] = playerid; if(bomb_type == VEHICLE_BOMB_TYPE_TIMER) { //SetTimerEx("BombActivated", 1000, 0, "d", vehicleid); BombActivated(vehicleid); } DeletePVar(playerid, "PuttingBomb"); SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREEN, "You have planted and armed the bomb."); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Bomb armed", 2000, 3); TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1); return 1; } new szString[69]; format(szString, sizeof(szString), "~g~Arming bomb...~n~~r~%d ~n~ ~y~Type ~r~/bomb put~y~ again to stop", seconds); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, szString, 2000, 3); SetPVarInt(playerid, "PuttingBomb", SetTimerEx("PlayerPutBombInVehicle", 1000, 0, "ddddd", seconds - 1, playerid, vehicleid, bomb_type, bomb_timer)); return 1; } stock ExplodeVehicleBomb(vehicleid) { SetVehicleHealth(vehicleid, 50.0); new Float: f_vPos[3]; GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, f_vPos[0], f_vPos[1], f_vPos[2]); CreateExplosion(f_vPos[0], f_vPos[1], f_vPos[2], 4, 5.0); // Extra effects CreateExplosion(f_vPos[0], f_vPos[1], f_vPos[2], 5, 5.0); // Extra effects CreateExplosion(f_vPos[0], f_vPos[1], f_vPos[2], 6, 5.0); // Big one ResetBombInfo(vehicleid); } CMD:bomb(playerid, params[]) { new idx, szParameters[2][128 - 6]; szParameters[0] = strtok(params, idx); if(isnull(szParameters[0])) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "USAGE: /bomb [Parameter]"); SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "Available parameters: {E6E6E6}put{AFAFAF}, {E6E6E6}activate{AFAFAF}"); if(CanPlayerDisarmBomb(playerid)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "{33CCFF}Disarming parameters{AFAFAF}: {E6E6E6}check{AFAFAF}, {E6E6E6}disarm{AFAFAF}"); } return 1; } szParameters[1] = strtok(params, idx); if(!strcmp(szParameters[0], "put", true, 4)) { new BombTimerID = GetPVarInt(playerid, "PuttingBomb"), szSetting[20], iTimer; if(BombTimerID) { KillTimer(BombTimerID); DeletePVar(playerid, "PuttingBomb"); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Stopped arming bomb", 2000, 3); TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1); return 1; } if(!PlayerHasCarBomb(playerid)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "ERROR: You don't have a bomb."); return 1; } szSetting = strtok(params, idx); iTimer = strval(strtok(params, idx)); if(isnull(szParameters[1])) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "USAGE: /bomb put [{E6E6E6}Vehicle ID{AFAFAF}] [{E6E6E6}Setting{AFAFAF}] [{E6E6E6}Timer (Seconds){AFAFAF}]"); SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_FADE3, "Available settings: {E6E6E6}Ignition, timer, speed, remote"), SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "NOTE: Use \"{E6E6E6}/bomb put help{AFAFAF}\" for explinations of use."); return 1; } if(!strcmp(szParameters[1], "help", true, 5)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_WHITE, "[ BOMB PUT MANUAL ]"); SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_WHITE, "Setting 1: IGNITION {AAAAAA}- Activates the bomb timer after the {E6E6E6}vehicle's ignition{AAAAAA} is activated."); SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_WHITE, "Setting 2: TIMER {AAAAAA}- {E6E6E6}Immediately{AAAAAA} activates the bomb timer."); SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_WHITE, "Setting 3: SPEED {AAAAAA}- The bomb will explode as soon as the {E6E6E6}vehicle speed{AAAAAA}"); SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_FADE3, "drops under {E6E6E6}40{AAAAAA} km/h. It is activated {E6E6E6}as soon as the vehicle is started{AAAAAA}."); SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_WHITE, "Setting 4: REMOTE {AAAAAA}- Bomb is activated with \"{E6E6E6}/bomb activate{AAAAAA}\". Note that the {E6E6E6}remote range is limited{AAAAAA}."); SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_WHITE, "The timer: {AAAAAA}- Decides how long it takes for the bomb to {E6E6E6}detonate{AAAAAA} from the moment it is activated."); SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_FADE3, "You can get the {E6E6E6}ID{AAAAAA} of the vehicle by using the \"{E6E6E6}/dl{AAAAAA}\" command."); SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_WHITE, "[ END OF BOMB PUT MANUAL ]"); return 1; } if( !GetVehicleModel( strval( szParameters[1] ) ) ) // The car isn't spawned { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "ERROR: Invalid vehicle ID."); SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "TIP: You can use \"{E6E6E6}/dl{AFAFAF}\" to see the IDs of nearby vehicles."); return 1; } if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "ERROR: You need to stand close to the vehicle, not in it."); return 1; } new iVehicleID = strval(szParameters[1]), Float: f_Pos[3]; GetVehiclePos(iVehicleID, f_Pos[0], f_Pos[1], f_Pos[2]); if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, BOMB_USE_DISTANCE, f_Pos[0], f_Pos[1], f_Pos[2])) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "ERROR: You are not close enough to this vehicle."); return 1; } new iSetting; if(!strcmp(szSetting, "ignition", true, 9)) { if(iTimer < 1 || iTimer > 60) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "ERROR: Invalid timer input. Must be between {E6E6E6}1{AFAFAF} and {E6E6E6}60{AFAFAF} seconds."); return 1; } iSetting = VEHICLE_BOMB_TYPE_IGNITION; } else if(!strcmp(szSetting, "timer", true, 6)) { if(iTimer < 10 || iTimer > 120) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "ERROR: Invalid timer input. Must be between {E6E6E6}10{AFAFAF} and {E6E6E6}120{AFAFAF} seconds."); return 1; } iSetting = VEHICLE_BOMB_TYPE_TIMER; } else if(!strcmp(szSetting, "speed", true, 6)) { if(iTimer < 15 || iTimer > 60) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "ERROR: Invalid timer input. Must be between {E6E6E6}15{AFAFAF} and {E6E6E6}60{AFAFAF} seconds."); return 1; } iSetting = VEHICLE_BOMB_TYPE_SPEED; } else if(!strcmp(szSetting, "remote", true, 6)) { if(iTimer < 1 || iTimer > 60) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "ERROR: Invalid timer input. Must be between {E6E6E6}1{AFAFAF} and {E6E6E6}60{AFAFAF} seconds."); return 1; } iSetting = VEHICLE_BOMB_TYPE_REMOTE; } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "ERROR: Invalid setting. Please refer to manual: \"{E6E6E6}/bomb put help{AFAFAF}\"."); return 1; } ResetBombInfo(iVehicleID); ApplyAnimation(playerid, "BOMBER", "BOM_Plant_Loop", 2.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, BOMB_ARMTIME * 1100, 0); SetPVarInt(playerid, "PuttingBomb", SetTimerEx("PlayerPutBombInVehicle", 0, 0, "ddddd", BOMB_ARMTIME, playerid, iVehicleID, iSetting, iTimer)); return 1; } if(!strcmp(szParameters[0], "activate", true, 4)) { new Float: f_vPos[3], iHasAnyRemoteBombs; for(new i; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++) { if(g_Bomb_Vehicles[i][bv_i_ArmedType] == VEHICLE_BOMB_TYPE_REMOTE && g_Bomb_Vehicles[i][bv_i_BombOwner] == playerid) { iHasAnyRemoteBombs = 1; GetVehiclePos(i, f_vPos[0], f_vPos[1], f_vPos[2]); if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 100.0, f_vPos[0], f_vPos[1], f_vPos[2])) { g_Bomb_Vehicles[i][bv_i_BombOwner] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID; BombActivated(i); } } } if(!iHasAnyRemoteBombs) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "ERROR: You haven't planted any bombs."); return 1; } new Float: f_Pos[3]; GetPlayerPos(playerid, f_Pos[0], f_Pos[1], f_Pos[2]); PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 6400, f_Pos[0], f_Pos[1], f_Pos[2]); SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREEN, "You pressed the trigger on your remote to active your bomb(s)."); SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "NOTE: The distance for the remote is limited."); return 1; } if(CanPlayerDisarmBomb(playerid)) { if(!strcmp(szParameters[0], "check", true, 4)) { new BombCheckingTimerID = GetPVarInt(playerid, "CheckingForBombs"); if(BombCheckingTimerID) { KillTimer(BombCheckingTimerID); DeletePVar(playerid, "CheckingForBombs"); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Stopped looking for bombs", 2000, 3); return 1; } if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "DisarmingBomb")) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "You are busy disarming the bomb."); return 1; } if(isnull(szParameters[1])) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "USAGE: /bomb check [Vehicle ID]"); return 1; } new iVehicleID = strval(szParameters[1]); if(!GetVehicleModel(iVehicleID)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "ERROR: Invalid vehicle ID."); SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "TIP: You can use \"{E6E6E6}/dl{AFAFAF}\" to see the IDs of nearby vehicles."); return 1; } if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "ERROR: You need to stand close to the vehicle, not in it."); return 1; } new Float: f_vPos[3]; GetVehiclePos(iVehicleID, f_vPos[0], f_vPos[1], f_vPos[2]); if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, BOMB_USE_DISTANCE, f_vPos[0], f_vPos[1], f_vPos[2])) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "You are not close enough to the vehicle."); return 1; } GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~Checking for bombs... ~n~ ~y~Type ~r~/bomb check~y~ again to stop.", BOMB_CHECKTIME * 1100, 3); ApplyAnimation(playerid, "BOMBER", "BOM_Plant_Loop", 2.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, BOMB_CHECKTIME * 1100, 0); SetPVarInt(playerid, "CheckingForBombs", SetTimerEx("CheckForBombs", BOMB_CHECKTIME * 1000, 0, "dd", playerid, iVehicleID)); return 1; } if(!strcmp(szParameters[0], "disarm", true, 4)) { new DisarmingBombTimerID = GetPVarInt(playerid, "DisarmingBomb"); if(DisarmingBombTimerID) { KillTimer(DisarmingBombTimerID); DeletePVar(playerid, "DisarmingBomb"); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Stopped disarming the bomb", 2000, 3); return 1; } if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "CheckingForBombs")) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "You are busy checking for bombs."); return 1; } if(isnull(szParameters[1])) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "USAGE: /bomb disarm [Vehicle ID]"); SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "TIP: You can use \"{E6E6E6}/dl{AFAFAF}\" to see the IDs of nearby vehicles."); return 1; } new iVehicleID = strval(szParameters[1]); if(!GetVehicleModel(iVehicleID)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "ERROR: Invalid vehicle ID."); SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "TIP: You can use \"{E6E6E6}/dl{AFAFAF}\" to see the IDs of nearby vehicles."); return 1; } if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "ERROR: You need to stand close to the vehicle, not in it."); return 1; } new Float: f_vPos[3]; GetVehiclePos(iVehicleID, f_vPos[0], f_vPos[1], f_vPos[2]); if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, BOMB_USE_DISTANCE, f_vPos[0], f_vPos[1], f_vPos[2])) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "You are not close enough to the vehicle."); return 1; } if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "CheckedCarForBombs") != iVehicleID) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "ERROR: You haven't checked this car for bombs yet, you need to see where it is first."); return 1; } if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "FoundBombInCar") != iVehicleID) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "ERROR: You haven't found any bombs on this vehicle."); return 1; } GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~Disarming bomb...~n~ ~y~Type ~r~/bomb disarm~y~ again to stop.", BOMB_DISARMTIME * 1000, 3); ApplyAnimation(playerid, "BOMBER", "BOM_Plant_Loop", 2.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, BOMB_DISARMTIME * 1100, 0); SetPVarInt(playerid, "DisarmingBomb", SetTimerEx("DisarmBomb", BOMB_DISARMTIME * 1000, 0, "dd", playerid, iVehicleID)); return 1; } } SendClientMessage(playerid, CB_COLOR_GREY, "ERROR: Invalid parameter. For a full list of available parameters, type \"/bomb\"."); return 1; } stock PlayVehicleBombSound(vehicleid, sound) { new Float: v_Pos[3]; GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, v_Pos[0], v_Pos[1], v_Pos[2]); for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(IsPlayerInVehicle(i, vehicleid)) { PlayerPlaySound(i, sound, v_Pos[0], v_Pos[1],v_Pos[2]); } else { if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 10.0, v_Pos[0], v_Pos[1], v_Pos[2])) { PlayerPlaySound(i, sound, v_Pos[0], v_Pos[1],v_Pos[2]); } } } } public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) { for(new i; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++) { if(g_Bomb_Vehicles[i][bv_i_BombOwner] == playerid) { g_Bomb_Vehicles[i][bv_i_BombOwner] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID; } } }
Download: http://www.solidfiles.com/d/e3a154ca2a/