Giving out A SA-MP game server.

Okay Guys Well Anyway
I am here posting this thread because Im tired .
And I am giving away my Volt-Host Gameserver
It has 10 Days Left on the host
But I will renew it if there are any Good Candidates for it.


Mon***** ******** ****** (40 slots)
Server Information

ServerID/#: ****
Expires on: 3:35am, September 24th/2012
Expires in: 10 days [renew]
Maximum Players: 40
Address: 1**.**.***.***
Location: (US) Phoenix, AZ
Game: San Andreas Multiplayer
Average CPU: 3%
Free web hosting: Setup now
Last autorestart sync: 12:28am, September 15th/2012
Hosted tab: No (Purchase)
Server Statistics

Hostname: [0.3e] *********************[ENG]
Gamemode: ******
Map: San Andreas
Players: 0 / 40
Password: No

I am basically giving it away because I dont want to run a server anymore its time consuming
But one on condition I might pop in the server once in a while

If you want this host Copy this and fill it here :


Name :
Age :
Why Do You want this Gameserver:
Can you speak English :
What Will I get :
Why Should I choose you over the other people :

Start Filling it Out.
And Get this stress of my shoulders

Note : Dont come here saying that I want to steal Peoples Script.Because I am not a Scammer or w/e I just dont want to run any SA-MP server anymore.

So If you ever wanted to run a server nows your chance

Can an Admin Activate my Account Waiting for about 1-2 Weeks now :L

Originally Posted by Neal_Cathety
Посмотреть сообщение
Can an Admin Activate my Account Waiting for about 1-2 Weeks now :L
This is not the place to be asking that
Use this To Ask that.

Click Me

Name : Carl Johnson
Age : Sixty Nine and a half
Country: Square Dancing?
Why Do You want this Gameserver: I dunno
Can you speak English : Using ****** Translator
What Will I get : A TriGillion Dollars
Why Should I choose you over the other people : Cuz I'm the only idiot that'll probably apply for it

EDIT: I stand corrected, guess there are more ******s in this world than I thought...

Name : Ryder
Age : 16
Country: India
Why Do You want this Gameserver: Hosting a server?duh..
Can you speak English : Yep
What Will I get : Nothing...what can u get?u r giving this for free.
Why Should I choose you over the other people : Depends on you..

Anyone interested can PM this guy the requested details.

Words of caution though, from

Someone offered me free hosting for my server, should I accept?
This is NOT recommended, one reason for this is that they just want to steal your script, even if you only provide the .amx don't trust them. Now while some free hosts may be trustworthy and will offer decent free hosting, there is almost always a catch, I personally recommend paying for one. Paying for one from a legitimate provider will allow you to avoid as much hassle as possible.

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