Crash attack. Please take a look!!

Guess what? New flood in town. There's a guy who runs a tool on my server. He advertises his own server, and after that he immediately crashes mine. My host is good, so the server doesn't stay down for more than 30 seconds. But I can't keep staying with these server restarts.

I need some help finding that tool, or if not, at least finding a good crash reporter, so the host company can block those attacks...Please help. I can't find any traces of that tool in the server log, because the server literally shuts down. It's like pressing the x button in windows.

Crash detect plugin? are you using that?

No I am not...Can you tell me where can I find it and how can I use it?

Try using what Kevin said to detect crash or try to use auto-restart script.


The server is auto restarting..but it is still making the players leave. And I am affraid that the punk might give the tool to his friends. They can keep my server down with that shit....I need to block it fast...

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