
Hi dudes, I'm currently making UCP for RP server and I need some suggestions. What you think, what I need to put in UCP, I already putted View Profile, Donation Center, Signature.

Also please give me your opinion about skin change on UCP, it's NonRP for me because it's not clothes for buy in binco, so binco is 100% NonRP for me, but, what about skin change, it's as I'm Lady Gaga, and tomorrow I'm Rihanna, so please, give me your opinion and about that.


Online status view,chat\shout box.

about the skin thingy,you mean in-game skin change from UCP ?
if yes,then would be awesome if you would make it like in-game class selection,arrow images under the skin image,next\previous skin will be seen in the sides,in dark colours,and if you can make - 3d switch.

What you think about Online status, to show all online players, something as on gamemonitor ? Server statistic ?

And for Skin change, Yea, I mean Skin change from UCP, but, not for design of that page, I thought is that RP or NonRP to change skins from UCP. Because, It's NoNRP to switch skin for example just 3 days.

And give more suggestions

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