Invalid Object ID problem?

Hey guys,

Ive created a map. For the server i play on. And the admin/creator of the server said that it crashes at some points
on the map.
could it be anything to do with items from here
i only used base items, and the volcano.


ask him which object is invalid, or better, let him test the map again, and tell him that he might need to go away from the map in order to see the vulcano, its a really large object. maybe he didnt see it cause he was too close to the map when loading/testing it? did he set the view/stream distance properly?
if not, and if its ok for you pasting the map here: paste it. if you arent scared about your map being public, you might expect a solution soon. oh, goto the filterscripts section, then maps, you will find a bunch of qualitative outstanding creations, just to remember you that your creation maybe isnt even worth getting robbed... convince us

Okay so what is happening is,he has added the map, then he can goes into the game, he will spawn at a previous map that was added month ago, then the game will crash.

I cant see why its crashing due to the fact the only items i used as far as i can remember are the.

Modular Road Sections
The Volcano,
and Base Items from KDST Object Katalog.

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