--== Some Help ==--

Hi everybody.
I have more of these code in my gm:
pawn Код:
And i added the administraion system in my gm, and it have's a lot of local variabiles, wich i removed because it gives me a lot of errors. And now i make a global one and give's me errors to..
What i have to make to fix them?

could you explain how the hell can guys help you without looking at script and knowing your errors!? :P

Post the errors and the lines of the script associated with these errors.

I receive many of these:
pawn Код:
local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
And i can't give you the lines...are to much..but them are the same
pawn Код:
format(string, 128, "You buyed an {FF0000}\"%s\" {FFFFFF}for {FF0000}%d{33AA33}${FFFFFF}.", item, cost );
    SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, string );

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