Same thing working.. differently?


pawn Код:
CMD:restart( playerid, params[] )
    if( plStats [ playerid ] [ CodeLevel ] <= 2 )
        return SendClientMessage( playerid, Colour_Red, "« "#Int_AdminBlue"Sorry! "#Int_White"You can't use this command." );

    GameModeRestarted = true;
    for( new saveall; saveall < MAX_PLAYERS; saveall ++ )
        if( plLoggedIn [ saveall ] == true )
            CleanPlayerChat( saveall, 20 );
            OnPlayerDisconnect( saveall, 1 );

    SendClientMessageToAll( -1, ""#Int_Red"  Battlefield SA:MP will be back momentarily." );
    SendClientMessageToAll( -1, ""#Int_Red"« "#Int_White"The server has been reset. Don't worry, your things have been saved! :)" );
    GameModeExit( );
    return true;
Not working:

pawn Код:
CMD:restart( playerid, params[] )
    if( plStats [ playerid ] [ Access ] < 2 )
        return false;
    for( new u; u < MAX_PLAYERS; u ++ )
        OnPlayerDisconnect( u, 1 );
        plLoggedIn [ u ] = false;
    GameModeExit( );
    return true;
Uhh... lol?

What do you mean by not working, haha?

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