
Anyone know how to set this to 1 hour = 1 score?

#define SCORE_TIME          60 * 3
pawn Код:
forward ScoreTimer();
public ScoreTimer()
    new pTime[4];
    for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        TotalGameTime(i, pTime[0], pTime[1], pTime[2]);
        pTime[3] = (pTime[0] * 3600) + (pTime[1] * 60) + pTime[2];
        if((pTime[3] - LastConnected[i]) == SCORE_TIME)
            SetPlayerScore(i, GetPlayerScore(i) + 1);
            LastConnected[i] = pTime[3];
    return 1;

Do you want something like:

pawn Код:
new szTimeTicks = 0,
    n_bTimerID; // at top
n_bTimerID = SetTimer( "ScoreTimer", 1000, true ); // in gamemode init

forward ScoreTimer( ); // at top

public ScoreTimer( ) // anywhere you want
    szTimeTicks++; // counting ticks every second
    switch( szTimeTicks ) // switching it
        case 3600: // checking if the time ticks are 1 hour
            szTimeTicks = 0; // resetting the time ticks to 0
            for( new f = 0; f < MAX_PLAYERS; f++ ) // looping the players
                if( IsPlayerConnected( f ) )
                    SetPlayerScore( f, GetPlayerScore( f ) + 1 ); // give the score!

Originally Posted by FalconX
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Do you want something like:

pawn Код:
new szTimeTicks = 0,
    n_bTimerID; // at top
n_bTimerID = SetTimer( "ScoreTimer", 1000, true ); // in gamemode init

forward ScoreTimer( ); // at top

public ScoreTimer( ) // anywhere you want
    szTimeTicks++; // counting ticks every second
    switch( szTimeTicks ) // switching it
        case 3600: // checking if the time ticks are 1 hour
            szTimeTicks = 0; // resetting the time ticks to 0
            for( new f = 0; f < MAX_PLAYERS; f++ ) // looping the players
                if( IsPlayerConnected( f ) )
                    SetPlayerScore( f, GetPlayerScore( f ) + 1 ); // give the score!
Thanks for the reply falcon!

I'am using Luxadmin and it has Time Login: Do you think it will have a conflict with the filstriptscript?

Also, if player leave, and he/she connects again does the timer will continue?

And last Do you think it is better than one that i post?

Sorry for the qesutions, Just want to know and to prevent lag in the server

Originally Posted by kbalor
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Thanks for the reply falcon!

I'am using Luxadmin and it has Time Login: Do you think it will have a conflict with the filstriptscript?

Also, if player leave, and he/she connects again does the timer will continue?

And last Do you think it is better than one that i post?

Sorry for the qesutions, Just want to know and to prevent lag in the server
I don't think it will conflict because we are using different callback name and the variables; The timer will keep running until the server is online so when the player leaves and comes back in the server the timer will not get any effect, but as soon as 1 hour of the time ticks has been completed it will give the score to the players who are currently online, no matter if they come in the server before a second.

I haven't checked how LuxAdmin is scripted (being honest) and I don't know what kind of timers and functions in that filter-script is made.


Originally Posted by FalconX
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I don't think it will conflict because we are using different callback name and the variables; The timer will keep running until the server is online so when the player leaves and comes back in the server the timer will not get any effect, but as soon as 1 hour of the time ticks has been completed it will give the score to the players who are currently online, no matter if they come in the server before a second.

I haven't checked how LuxAdmin is scripted (being honest) and I don't know what kind of timers and functions in that filter-script is made.

Okay I understand, gonna try it now. I have already given you a rep. Thanks for always helping me!

Originally Posted by kbalor
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Okay I understand, gonna try it now. I have already given you a rep. Thanks for always helping me!
No problem mate

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