How to run, and look with mouse?

Hi, players.

So, I got a question for everyone. So, tree days ago, I just got a new laptop. But when I run, and ofcourse, I wan't to look around and steer with the mouse. But how can I do this, I was able to do it on the other computer. Which has passed away (XD).

I tryed the options --> Mouse-settings -> --> Steer with mouse. But it did not work, it was just moving the car wheels. But did not do anything on-foot, thanks.

I once attmpted to play SA:MP on a laptop, I simply attached a USB mouse to quickly skip all these hard (or if possible) steps.

Oh, so it is the mouse? Yeah, I thought that too. Well, gotta wait, it is in the post anywhere. Heh

Thanks anyway

Laptops usually dont let you use the keyboard plus use the mouse ( in games of what i know )
There is a way to do so you can, but please for you and me, use a mouse!

I never had this problem with my laptop. The mousepad worked in conjunction with the keyboard just fine. However, it is a terrible way to try and play so I also highly recommend picking up a proper mouse for it, even a budget one will be far more useful than the pad (for playing)

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