Multiline define pattern

Hello - this time I need help. I'm using something like:
pawn Код:
#define merge(%0,%1) \
    format(%0, sizeof(%0), %1)
Yup, I'm lazy. Anyway: it works fine for something like:
pawn Код:
new str[32];
merge(str, "%s: %s", "Pancakes are", "AWESOME");
But sometimes in my script I have something like:
pawn Код:
new str[499+1];
merge(str, "%s, %d, %s, %s, %s, %d, $%d, $%d",
UData[playerid][uname], UData[playerid][age], UData[playerid][sex], "Something", UData[playerid][strength], UData[playerid][uid], UData[playerid][cash], UData[playerid][bank_cash]);
Format accepted my multline syntax, but define didn't and I get

error 017: undefined symbol "merge"

Can I somehow make define to respect multiline syntax too?

Know when to use functions and when to use definitions! You need a function that can take a variable number of parameters. But honestly, don't be lazy and just type that shit out. A function will also be slower.

Well, as you can read in wiki

One interesting fact about the parameters is that if you have too many, the last one is all the extra ones.

I don't want a function, I just want silent substitution

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