My Score isn't saving.

Hello Everyone,

I have my own server, I'm using LuxAdmin 1.6 and my own script.
If i'm killing someone my player gets +1 score and 5K cash (Custom) But if i'm rejoining my score is gone (everyone has that problem) Maybe anyone can help me with fixing this?


pawn Код:
// -> Disable/Enable
// true = Enable | false = Disable
#define EnableSpec          true    // Enable/Disable Spectating System (If you already using disable it. Set to 'false')
#define SaveLogs            true    // Set 'false' if your server runs Linux (Logs wont be Saved!)
#define PM_CHAT_LOG         true    // Enable/Disable to save PMs in Log
#define ADM_CHAT_LOG        true    // Enable/Disable to save AdmChat in Log
#define USE_DIALOGS         true    // Enable/Disable All Dialogs (Not Disable SERVER PASSWORD DIALOG)
#define USE_STATS           true    // Enable/Disable Statistics
#define ADM_InMSG           false   // Put 'admin' in all messages sent by administrators (Ex: David(Admin): Welcome...)
#define SaveScore           true    // Enable/Disable to save Player's Score
#define GpsCheckPoint       true    // Enable/Disable use RaceCheckpoints for indicate players In GPS.
#define GpsOnlyCity         true    // True = Gps Show Only player City | False = Gps Show Player City and Zone.
#define ConfigInConsole     true    // Enable/Disable to Show Basic AdmScript Configuration in Console (When start the AdmScript)
#define EnableTwoRcon       true    // Enable/Disable Two Rcon Passwords (2 Rcon passwords for more security!)
#define EnableCamHack       true    // Enable/Disable LuxCam System - Administrators can move the camera! (Original By Sandra, modified by Me)
#define EnablePM_Cmd        true    // Enable/Disable PM Command
Rep+ me if its works xD
just change the savescore to true xD

Fixed already found it out devil

check the saving system

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